If I can ask you to take a moment and answer my question, it would really help. My life up to where I am has not been good to me so far. I am a 17 year old male who and have been depressed for most of my life since I was little. I dont show that i am extremely sad and so I am a jokester to most of my “friends” and family. And the reason I say “friends” is because for all my life no one has had my back when push came to shove. I have not had a girlfriend or have gone out to a party, I have not been more than a “friend” to anyone. In school, I have had decent grades for most of my life, but since I was little, I have always had a plan to go to college off of an athletic scholarship through football, but as time goes on I start to realize that I am actully not all that great at the sport and am barely above average. But since my family thinks that I still have a shot at it, they still want me to push my hardest to make it a reality, when I know that it is not going to happen and should start looking for a job. My parents, I love them, but they push me the hardest out of all my siblings, and every time that I mess up, I get nothing but hate and ridicule from alot of places, from my parents to my sisters who join in on the action. As I get closer and closer to graduating, I get more and more terrified of what is going to come of my life, because apart from football, I have no backup plan. I’m thinking of killing myself because I don’t want to be a bother to anybody and don’t want to carry this sn my back for my whole life, but at least I actully know that I am a failure after writing and thinking about this.
You’re not a failure. You will find what you are good at. But even so okay you say you’re not good at football but if you love it you should still pursue it. It’s better to do something you love and be terrible at it than doing something you hate and being good at it. People criticize and its hard but try and look past it I understand it is hard but maybe aim to prove them wrong. With not having a girlfriend well it is just someone hasn’t seen how great you are yet but it will happen. The whole friends thing well it is hard to have friends that don’t really have your back but you will find people who will defend you till the end, they are waiting you will just have to find them or they will find you. I’m here if you ever need a friend to talk to
Trust me about that football thing, me personally I love the sport and all. But like I said, I am not that great at it, and the first step to knowing that there is a problem, you have to accept it. And where me and my family are, we can’t afford wasted time that could be spent making money. But thank you for replying to me and if you wish to continue a conversation, email me.
If you don’t mind I think I’ll take you up on your offer of emailing.
You’re not a failure.
You still have a chance to figure things out.
If you’re sad and depressed you should find someone you can open up to, it becomes much harder if you are forced to deal with it all by yourself.
If you don’t have anyone and you feel like it overwhelms you, maybe you could reach out to the school counselor or anyone that might be able to help.
True friends are hard to find yeah, and most will turn their backs when you’re in need even if you actually are there for them when they need you, but it’s not impossible to find some real friends in the future even if they are rare.
Don’t worry too much about finding a girlfriend. I’m sure when the time is right and when you meet the right person or someone you can get along with well things will happen slowly on their own.
Even if at first you start off as just friends.
If your grades are still pretty decent, you shouldn’t have to worry too much.
If you still want to have a shot at sports or at football, i think you could.
It could come with practice.
Even if you’re not good enough at it yet, you could practice at your own pace until you are.
Parents can be pretty harsh sometimes, and it might be a little bit of a silly advice but i found the best way to deal with it is just try and not take too much of it to heart.
This is about you and your life, you should plan and act by what you wish to do, and not let what they say effect you too hard.
Ignore their hate and insults when you can, most of the times they think that helps push you forward, they can’t see it does the opposite.
You’re not a failure, you’re just still figuring things out.
Take it easy and think what you actually want to do.
Hey friend.
My $.2c. Make sure you are not discounting football because of depression. Depression can do funny things like make you think you suck at things you are good at. My advice is ask your coaches what they think? Something simple like, “I going for a football scholarship at X. Do I have a shot? Be honest, I don’t want to waste time.” Or whatever. Either way, It probably doesn’t hurt to finish it out and apply for scholarships. Worst case you don’t go to college and look for a job. (I never went to college and am doing fine, well… financially).
If you’re about to graduate and don’t already have a scholarship offer, it’s not gonna happen. I think you already know that.
Have you thought of enrolling at a Junior College instead? A lot of players do that and eventually make their way to a 4-year school with a scholarship. Although it’s difficult, it can be done.
I didn’t have close friends in high school, either. No girlfriends, no parties. I did better as an adult. Sometimes it works out that way.