What if when you die, if you kill yourself, your punishment is to come back worse than now. A starving kid, someone with a horrible debilitating condition. I guess thats true of any way you die.
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Yeah. Scary. Sad when the only reason you can find to keep suffering is the threat of potentially more suffering.
Who or what is going to punish you? That’s a tough one to wrap my pea brain around.
Personally.:. I think if you don’t overcome ‘the situation’ you may well end up living a whole other life just to end up back in it again…so you can have another go at overcoming that which defeated you.
Don’t give up. Fight and win.
“What If”
What if life is just a dream and we don’t wake up until after we die?
What if after we die, we become what we were before we were born?
What if the planet earth is smaller than a grain of sand when compared to the vast backdrop of space?
What if all of our fears, hopes, dreams, desires, knowledge, beliefs and opinions are only relevant while we’re alive, and there’s no need to stress out over “what ifs” because we’ll all be dead eventually and there’s no point in worrying about the inevitable?
What if there’s an unknown island somewhere that’s populated by flying, telepathic unicorns.
What if.
I want to go where the unicorns fly. When I die I hope one comes to take me home upon his back. I’m done crawling through mud and trying to carve out my own happiness… I want rainbows and cherubs… Most of all I want to feel that unconditional love again. And I want everyone who didn’t believe me in life to know in death that those most important times when I accused of lying- I was actually being honest. I want the people I love to be there and I want them to love me back.
I remember in the anime “Angel Beats”, which takes place basically in limbo where kids who’ve led horribly tragic lives get a normal live in between, the running gag is that if you conform to rules in that limbo and follow the normal life you get to be reincarnated, and the running gag is that you take your chances on the randomness as that. Often referring to coming back as a “water flea” or the worst thing in Japanese beliefs I guess.
Eventually, they all get reincarnated when they are ready, after a lot of lessons, fun, and coming to terms that their prior horrific lives should not make them mad at god or the system, its for a reason or is just part of how things are. I mean, one 16 year old girl in the anime had her entire family killed by robbers and another guy died in a train accident 5 seconds before help arrives, literally, after motivating people to stay alive, and working to save his little sister in the hospital.
Basically, I think the important thing to know is our lives have always been in the trust of a higher power. We have no choice, presumably, unless we choose in another existence. If the system says we come back as a starving kid or an animal to provide food or something else painful, we must accept it. We have to place our beliefs in the brilliant perfection that is existence.
Existence is too perfect to simply just be complete randomness and without compassion. I’m sure our lives are compassionately looked upon, no matter how we end up. No higher power would ignore pain/suffering and simply exert punishment or lesson learning.
While I don’t believe in “heaven” or “hell”, I think the thereafter is exactly what you want it to be, and its partially based on your life and your spirit. If you’re a truly good person, I believe you can exist anywhere you truly desire, because a system that didn’t allow for closure or compassion would be imperfect. Creation is not imperfect, even if it contains suffering, suffering may be for a reason and for a purpose.