I feel sort of spent tonight. I’m making progress, but it never seems to be enough. Nothing can make me forget. These things that are running through my head nonstop.. They’re eating me alive. Before long, I’ll be a skeleton on the floor of the mansion that I used to call my life. When did it go so wrong? There has to be more to life than this constant uphill battle.. I could really use a shoulder or a firm hand right now..
Nah you are a qt3,14, you just need to ditch the zero and stay with the hero and everything will be daijoubu.
Fair enough. But first I need to find the hero.
I only play the villain role because heroes finish last :]~~
Distract yourself with something… Tell a joke, watch a movie, listen to a song, anything… It won’t make it go away, but at least for a few moments you don’t have to feel like shit…
Eventually, even that stops working. It just becomes pointless. Most of my posts are about lost love, but that’s because it’s the only thing that I can clearly express. There’s more to it than that. I wish I knew how to put it into words.
Instead of trying to describe the emotions, try turning the emotions into a theme and use as a base to tell a story.
I know how you feel i lost everything and no matter what people say if your a focused person and have a strong mindset and cant see a way out what stops you what stops the thoughts
Well, I don’t know about you but I find picking up a dictionary helps when I can’t put things into words. 🙂
I have thought that same words myself there’s got to be more to this life than this and now those words are all I have to keep me going day after day but eventually you’ll find those thoughts fading away
God I hope so. I hope and pray that I can wake up one day and say I made it through this and it’s over.
Right here do you have my firm hand. can you feel his warmth? i’m far, but i’m very very close, listening the beat of your heart, much more important that the words on the back of your mind.
Thank you. The support is always nice.
It’s such a shame that your ex left such a cute girl like you. You look stunning sammi. But, I am sorry for saying this. I feel the same, nothing can warm you. The more I grow up I see that our origins are from the primates. There is no love, kindness or honour. Everything is based on sex and money. The main reason that caused my depression is atheism, that after death is nothing and my kindness. I lost a lot of things because of my kindness. All I think about is death, I was always searching for something beyond us but there is nothing. You are such a pretty girl, don’t worry, a nice guy will appear and make you happy again. 🙂
Thanks, costy. But finding a man is the furthest thing from my mind. I hope things get better for you. You really are a kind person.
Its all to do with a personality disorder they say and mental health well why doesn’t it stop why does it go round and round your head driving you insane?? Why is it like someone drilling in your head, why does it not subside?? Its like demons eating away at my brain people always say it gets better NO it doesn’t 7 years i have been this way
Exactly. It’s like a never ending cycle. Some days it’s a little quieter, but then it all just comes back full force. Like a roaring wave of chaos
Sammi, you’re gorgeous. And I don’t just mean that in a that’s-a-hot-pic way, but really all your pics have a certain glow about them. And I don’t just mean that in a she-used-a-cool-filter-on-that way, but you have an intriguing radiance about you, and I don’t just mean that in a Sammi-just-swallowed-a-radioactive-donut way, but… Yeah.
Something just clicked, even though you’ve alluded to it bunches of times in the past. “Most of my posts are about lost love, but that’s because it’s the only thing that I can clearly express. There’s more to it than that.”
Oh god you said it. You said it all. There’s an inner turmoil that can’t be expressed in words or images or sounds or any way known to humans. But we can sort of express the feeling by telling a story. The story itself may have nothing to do with the real pain, but it’s the only story we know. So we keep telling it. We get good at telling it. But it’s still nothing compared to what’s inside.
After all this time I think I’m finally starting to “get” you, Sams. I wish I could say I know how you feel, but no, that’s the point. As much as I or anyone can associate with the feeling, we’re not feeling what you’re going through because there’s so much more you never expressed.
And well *that* is a feeling I know too well. For what it’s worth, we’ll both be skeletons on the floors of our mansions. If you care to join me, tea will be served at noon. Bring a mop 😉
Thanks, salt. I might be a few minutes late, but I’ll definitely be there. Tea with you would be interesting to say the least
This is silly your reasons are out of lost love and wanting a relationship feeling the need to be in a relationship. Thats not healthy and why people feel suicidal over that strikes me!!! Because if you thought about why your single some of you would see its things you do things you say the vibe your giving off to the other person no one wants to be with a train wreck so change the approach change your perspectives. Most of the people that feel suicidal these days its because of rejection and fear of being alone never mind i have been separated 4 years and miss my kids but that isn’t the cause of my depression and suicidal thoughts mine are to do with just not having the will having no purpose feeling like i just became a parasite on society my head rattles like the drum of a washing machine every day stresses eating away in my mind that get me to a point of rage or a downward cycle of in controlable emotional depression
That’s not her reason, it’s just how she expresses herself. See my post above. But in any case, lost love is as good a reason to commit suicide as lost money or lost children or lost purpose. They’re all equally valid if the end result is intolerable pain.
I’m not suicidal over a fucking relationship. That’s not at all what this post is talking about. Even if that was my reason, who are you to tell me it’s silly? You don’t know my story. You don’t know where I’ve been. So instead of telling me I’m “silly” for one small piece of this puzzle, try to understand. No one wants to with a train wreck? I’m the one who always leaves. I can’t say I’ve ever been dumped. Because I’m pretty damn good at hiding this shit.
People feel however they feel. And I’ve read some of these comments too. People can tell you what they think or suggest what to do, but only you can search and find truly what works for you and what you believe in. I have faith you’ll make it through this.
Thank you so much, puppet
Nooooooooo i missed this damn it i should have checked more often.Fuck!
sammi don’t hate me D; i’ve just been busy with ending school part i haven’t checked in the site.
Yes blame me guys i want the blame 😀
Oh i forgot to comment on your picture. You look really really amazing totally awesome!
Chill, man. Lmao it’s all good. I’m not panicking or anything. And thanks. XD
You know now that i look this picture and look you in the eyes i kinda get freaked out…is that normal?
Like scary and who knows what that person is thinking.
Wait… Huh? Seriously? Waitwaitwait. Email me. Explain this. I’m laughing so hard right now. shesaghostnow @ gmail