Twenty years ago I made a choice that has forever altered my life. The last three can really only be described as post apocalyptical. I’m 40. I expect to live there rest of my life, save for all the focus I can muster in this present moment, adrift.
Your post reminds me of a line from The Crow after they pull a charred corpse & his car from the Detroit river: “Looks like he zigged when he shoulda zagged.”
I know what it’s like to make a colossally bad choice that haunts you for years. There’s no cure for regret. But then, regret itself is a pretty ridiculous concept, isn’t it? The idea of imposing punishment on yourself for something you did long ago when you were probably too naïve to know better? It’s been 20 years, my friend. Even murderers get parolled in less time than that.
Thanks Salt,
I’m working it out, I appreciate your reply.