I go running everyday, lift weights, and try and eat healthy because from what I’ve experienced nobody likes a fat fuck. Healthy body healthy mind I suppose. Effexor day 1 so good so far, noticed a slight increase in motivation and energy, could be a placebo effect I’m not sure but I definitely feel more content. The next few days are gonna suck balls thought ’cause no boooooooze :(. Glad I got benzos to help me get to sleep from this fucking stupid ass withdrawal.
1 comment
Careful with the benzos my friend. They’re far worse than alcohol. Benzo withdrawal is way way worse than any antidepressant withdrawal. Benzos are meant to be taken 2-4 weeks only, and then need to be weaned off slowly. Learned the hard way. Benzo withdrawal is a hell on earth and it sometimes makes you wish you’re dead. No joke. Go to benzobuddies and get help.