Never used a website like this before but I feel like it’s the only way I can express myself without people worrying and thinking I’m crazy. I just feel so hopeless and worthless all the time. My bestfriend committed suicide in September 2009 at age 13 and in December 2014 my friend from school also committed suicide at age 15. I have attempted suicide twice, both by overdosing but failed both times. There was a time I loaded a gun and put it to my head but I couldn’t pull the trigger. I’m only 17 years old but I really just don’t feel like I belong in this world anymore. I constantly find myself researching quicker, easier ways to commit suicide but I can’t seem to find the courage when it comes time. Everyone always tells me “it gets better” but it hasn’t gotten any better. I just want all this pain to end..
I’m in your situation. Will never gets better. :'(
Same. Living is so painful.
Wait hold on…talk to me? 🙁
I wish I knew what to say…
But hey, talk to me
I know that is must feel that people are lying to you, telling you it gets better. It really can. I was 11 when I first attempted suicide and then not again until I was 14 and 16. I then just began to have very unhealthy coping skills. In my early 20s I had several more attempts and it was when I was having my stomach pumped and for the first time seeing friends sobbing, that I realized it was not just about me. This is all when there was no counseling support. Over the years, I have been angry with myself for not being successful but only when life is overwhelming. If I had died, I would not have given birth to my loving son, be working with students I cherish, and seeing, feeling,and hearing the beauty of nature. The love of all my animals has always been my life line. Living is painful, but if possible try to find a piece of beauty in each day.
Pulling the trigger is hard. Kudos to the ones who are no longer here, but for the rest of us, it’s s lot easier to make the best out of our situations. So, if I were you I’d spend time planning my next 80 years than researching a quick method.