i’m not in a very good place right now. today i got on facebook and discovered ‘she’ sent me a friend request – the ‘she’ who my dad cheated with all those months ago, subsequently ruining mine and my mom’s lives. i guess she honestly doesn’t believe she did anything wrong that night… i don’t know what the hell kind of drug she was on… but how dare she. i saw that today and everything came flooding right back to me, all of it. i feel like i’ve been hit in the stomach and now i can’t breathe. what’s worse, my older sister is friends with her still, apparently, because her name popped up as ‘mutual friend of…” me and my older sister use to be so close. we talked all the time. now how can i talk to her anymore, knowing everything i tell her she is probably relaying back to that skank. i’m thinking now of deleting my entire facebook. it’s like reliving it all over. i feel like i have no family anymore, and i don’t think she understands that, or the pain i’ve gone through, all the times i’ve been – this – close to ending my life over it. so why not waste my existence now. i’m tempted!!
I haven’t deleted my Facebook yet but I now never use it because of shit that goes on. I use to compare myself to my friends and family on there which is pretty unhealthy. I log on once every few weeks all for about two mins.
only reason i haven’t deleted mine is that i have friends & famoly who live out of state that i use facebook to keep in touch with. but now i feel like i should just give them my number. i always have to be the first one to say hi anyway. that’s why i haven’t spoken to anyone in such a long time. i’m too depressed to make the first move anymore.
recently DELETED EVERYONE on my fb. fuck em. starting from scratch and it feels phenomenal. only ppl that EARN a spot in my friends get it yo. how its done
yeah, i considered deleting my current fb, making a whole new one and ONLY adding people who haven’t been shifty to me. i’m at a point in my life where i just don’t give a fuck and don’t feel like wasting the energy. hell yeah.
I did the exact same thing for the exact same reason.