I realize that I am a worthless piece of shit that doesn’t deserve anything in life. I pretend that I am smart or pretty, but I am none of those. If I were truly anything in this world, there would not be prostitutes to cheat on me with, other girls to cheat on me with, men telling me that I’m ugly. Yes, that’s multiples. It hasn’t only happened once to me, and it’s no coincidence. I am the world’s ugliest woman, and people think I am dumb enough to buy their stories. People don’t think I deserve any respect, and I probably don’t. Married couples think I’m only joking about the situation and that I’ll find someone, but I know it will never happen. Yes, self-esteem is a choice, and many days I just want to kill myself. Since nobody cares about how I feel and it’s ultimately my choice, it should make it that much easier. Yes, I am reflecting back what everyone has told me. Apparently it’s nobody’s job to tell me how to feel or cheer me up. It’s all my responsibility. There is nothing worthwhile in this life. I have nothing to prove and nobody to care about me. I can’t do anything when I’m depressed. Life is pointless when nobody cares about you.
deep down you know youre worth something. I know you know.
I agree with @kills…. that said I can relate a little to you. Have you considered volunteering somewhere… a hospital, nursing home, etc? It might be tricky but it might also help? If it is something for you consider taking that first step?
You are not everything you say. It’s tough though seeing it. I speak from my personal plight… it’s tough…. it’s definitely tough.