yall know who she is. My friend seen her in cam and showed me a screenshot, than when I seen her pics they were totally different. When confronted, she said I fell for everything. Shes really 25, don’t have Chrons, lives on her own YADA YADA YADA. Then said oh I want your dick! Than started bs again. SHE IS A PSYCHOPATH WHO IS NOT TO BE TRUSTED. I was right all along. I’m smart. I can see right though fucking people. She also said SP is full of crap and spread lies. Laughing, than talking sexual again. Well lights out. I had enough of this fucking bullshit.
Forget about her. It’s not worth spending your time feeling regret.
I was talking about wuicide, and she was all like – I wanna suck your cock and be my queen. Then went on to say I fell for everything. CalamiryX is a fraud. She sent me photos thst where not hers. My far away sweetheart saw her on cam and screenshot it. Totally different people. Than started to make of fat people. I been fucked over. Yet again by fake pieces of shit. Another Psychopath. Had my doubts when her stories keep getting crazier. She wrote “haha I don’t have Chrones disease, I was doing other shit when I said o had to go to the bathroom. Hope she enjoyed the ride. I sure didn’t. People pulled crap like this my entire fresking life. A 25 year old, living on her own with no illnesses pretending to be a 19 year old girl with Chrons disease. How fucking sick?
Than she said SP is a joke. Wish I didn’t block her or I’d share everything she said. Didn’t know it also erased the history.
I popped 8 milligrams of xanex just to keep my cool. Like I usually do when crisis like this hit because it’s the only way I can deal. Tomorrow I’m gonna get drunk off my wee with some natural ice, the real stuff! I deserve that much! Even if I have to walk to the god damn store myself. I’ll be damned if I’m ever gonna attempt to make a connection with another human being again. I always said life is a sham, and most people are fake! Proved right again vecause I got a brain between my god damn ears.
And for those who thought I was trying to put a guilt trip on a 19 year old. Not true. A 25 year old Psychopath. Welp, gonna carry out my original plan. I was a fool to give love one more shot.m
I haven’t posted on here in two days because I wasted to days of my life chatting with someone who I thought gave a fuck
If you wanna here the full story email me
I’m sorry this happened to you. Most people aren’t bad or fake. It’s just that most people don’t understand. And some of those find enjoyment in hurting others just to make themselves feel better. I know it’s hard not to let those people bother you. I was bullied for years in school and still have nightmares about it. Please try though.
Thank you. I was bullied too. I hope you all see her now for who she really is
Wtf what a ***** she is!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for your support and understanding, I always liked you! This is why I don’t make friends and form relationships anymore or leave the house. Because fake birches like that
Yeah don’t trust people, people are crap sorry. I don’t trust people anymore all people do is lie and hurt
I’m sorry. If you ever want to talk, I’m here for you.
Thank you. I’m here for you too
Thank you guys so much. CalamityX is a psychopath and used her superficial charm quite well. Her stories were absolutely crazy. She FaceTimed with a. great friend of mine, she was talking about her beautiful dark brown hair. I was like – the pics she showed me was a blond haired girl. So we swapped pics. Two different people all together. I confronted her about it, than she started making fun of how overweight that person was. Than she said I love you. I said I’m done I wanna die. Than she said I want you inside me I’m so Horney. I was like – how can you be Horney when I’m talking about killing myself? Than she started rambling on about crazy shit. But at least she finally admitted she was a fraud. “I’m not 19 I’m a healthy 25 year old. I don’t have crhones disease, I was doing other stuff when I said I had to go to the bathroom”. Insane! To think I attempted to find love again. Thank you for your support. I also got a friend who can vouche for me. I’ll have her write something about it later.
Oh and she told me the other person, my far away sweetheart said I hit and beat her. Lol she will post at some point to clarify that she’s full of shit. I never hit a female in my life
Lying ***** and she knows your suicidal but the ***** still tries to take advantage of you what a fucking idiot ***** grrr she better not come here again.
Thank you so much for having my back. I was totally shocked to find out the truth! I figured since she was a regular in here that she was legit. It all brought out my PTSD and shit. I blocked her email and AOL chat. Hopefully thst will be the end of it. I’m glad to have a friend like you.
What was her name? I think she might have emailed me aswell
CalamityX i think..
Did she do the same thing to you as she done to me?
Damn buddy some tough shit stay strong brother ?? you have my full support along with most of sp you’re one of the most valued members here that dedicated his time to helping and you’ll always have my thanks for that
Thank you so much buddy. I really appreciate all the love radiating from this group and from people like you.
There was actually more than one fraud on SP. I won’t disclose usernames since they’re not around anymore, but it was easy to find out who they were (carelessly stupid with their digital tracks and such).
I must seem weird now.
@wndozh8er: I don’t think I’ve ever spoken to you before, so…hello. ^^”
Hey thanks. It’s nice to meet you. I just woke up but hopefully I’ll be posting more later.
i hope that ***** can never contact you again, you are way too good for a piece of shit like that
You will be OK mate. You will get over this and you have learned a valuable lesson from it. Never trust anyone online. What you read online, take with a grain of salt because anyone can claim anything. Only trust someone who you know in real life and who has earned your trust.
We all need to remember we are on the internet. The net is full of crazy people, people pretending to be someone else, people intent on hurting others just for fun. Then we really need to remember we are on a suicide site on the internet which increases the likelihood of coming across unstable people tenfold. Stay strong wndozh8er. You will move on.
That’s the problem with trust. It’s so easy to trust someone once you love them or you’ve made a connection… but it should be earned over time.
Exactly but the problem is most of us here are depressed and would love nothing better to actually meet someone we feel a connection with and to have someone to care about and have them care for us. We lower our guards. Makes us very vulnerable.
Believe me, I know. Still haven’t got over the last time it happened.
Me neither, but she was honest and nice – nothing like the person here. Things just didn’t work out though. Sometimes people are too alike maybe…I don’t know. I just hope she’s doing well, wherever she is.
I don’t know what sort of relationship you had with her if you have a faraway sweetheart, but I’m sorry you got hurt. Sadly the internet is where people tend to flock with their fake stories and lies. You have to wonder why they do it, but it can be easier sometimes. At least there’s less to miss when you bolt, lock and bar them the hell out of your life. It’s seriously disturbing once you’ve become close to someone, but I hope you can dust yourself off and not let them ruin other relationships.
I’ve also experienced the ‘I’m suicidal’ – ‘I’m horny’ – ‘I’m not…’ conversation… wtf
She was very disturbing and a psychopath. Also lying about her age and condition and basically saying she fooled everyone because in one of Her posts, she claimed to have Chrons Disease and is 19. She brag tingly admitted that it was a lie that I fail for. She’s 25, healthy, and lives on her own. When I was telling her ok done and suicidal she was like “come on baby let me suck your hard cock”. Fucking creeper
How long did you know her for? Not that it really matters – you can fall for someone so quickly, and that’s the important part. But I find the one good thing about people like this is that usually their lies collapse pretty quickly. I’ll never get why people want to lie like that. I think it’s a power thing… trying to escape themselves and somehow feel good because they’ve ‘fooled’ someone. They have serious problems. I think you’re lucky you have so many people who want to help you through it, especially the faraway sweetheart. A lot of good people are there trying to outweigh the bad.
a hot, healthy, 25 yo asks you to fuck her. and you are complaining about it ? 🙁
What the actual abcdefghijklmnopqr….
kind of a question is that?
Well she said she was 19 with Chrones and the video she shared with my great friend was NOT the same person in the pictures CalamityX claimed to be. Yup 25. Closer to my age but a liar is a liar, can’t trust em
I don’t trust people online or in real life you will only end up hurt, open up your heart and people will stomp on it. Never ever let down your guard. Always be suspicious and wary. Careful of words, they may be empty. The other person needs to SHOW that they are doing what they say. I know that’s hard to do online though..
100% true my friend. Hate this fresking reality. It’s like we’re surrounded by a pack of predatorial Wolves. No wonder I’m a shut in
Wth… What is wrong with someone that does that? She’s a psychopath. I’m sorry, windows. Stay strong.
Thank you so much. Hugs
Wndozh8er, watch out for the people on this site. There’s a bunch of freaks that keep posting here and may appear reliable though they are liars and madmen. Calamity wasn’t the only one. I would never ever share my Facebook with anyone else. Nor fall in love with anyone here, just for my own safety. I do not preach but I am here for a year (without three weeks) and I got to experience things. I am with a person who is ill as we are too but at least I know that he is himself…
Fair shout. I think its a shame that even in an enclave of the internet such as this there are still those who seek to hinder and torment. I just dont get it.
Windowzh8tr: I’m sorry to hear you got messed about. You’re always offering so much to others I do wonder when the karma and dharma pendulum will swing back to help you…
@LB, but half the people you talk to regularly are from here. 😛