This is going to sound really stupid but I got stood up, and it was by someone who I really care about… And I don’t know why because he’s been gone for four days and I haven’t heard anything from him.. I know he’s okay, I just don’t know when I’ll get to talk to or see him again and it really makes me sad… I feel like he knows me better than anyone else in the world and if I’m not worth it to him, maybe I won’t be worth it to anyone… He was the one thing I was looking forward to for like three weeks… And then there was just nothing, and now I’m even more sad than I was before I had a little hope in my life.. I thought maybe someone cared about me.. But I was wrong…
Soo much pain yet still standing through it all and there are tons of people who care just finding them is hard as hell
Thank you for thinking so highly of me…. I’m not a strong person though.. If I was strong I would be okay standing on my own, right? But you are correct, finding people who care is hard… Sometimes we find them after its already too late..