I was living a fairly happy life. Had been depressed for more than a year, but i recovered from it. Bought a house found a wonderfull girlfriend, en been living together with her and two beautiful cats. One happy family right? Well, 2 weeks ago i messed everything up by sleeping with some girl who seduced me into having sex with her without a condom because she was “tested and safe”. Turns out she wasnt tested for herpes, which resulted in me having it too now. The thing about genital herpes is that it never goes Away. The virus slumbers sometimes but i will have herpes outbreaks once in a while and there is no cure. Im really angry with the fact that i felt the need to cheat on my girlfriend. Because now im also risking her getting infected (havent told her about thus situation). I am close to becomming paranoid of anxiety. Im sweating constantly realising i made a mistake that will change my life forever. I am seriously thinking about ending my life with the exit bag method. My girl is a wonderfull person and she does not deserve a asshole like me. This is my mistake and mine alone. So i sincerely want to end my life. Could anyone provide me with tips / advice on the exit method /or maybe some comforting words? Greets, a man who made a huge mistake and who took a happy life filled with love for granted. I hate myself beyond words.
Please please tell your girlfriend before you give it to her. I know you may be worried about her reactions if you tell her, but her reaction when she finds out she has herpes will be so much worse and then you won’t probably won’t be able to solve anything with her. If you don’t tell her the consequences will be much worse.
And also please don’t kill yourself. Plenty of people have it and it shouldn’t be the end of the world. I know it’s everyone’s worst fear is something like this happening, but just think of your girlfriend and kitties. Just apologize and ask for some understanding.
Plus, don’t cheat.
You fucked up. You threw everything away because you thought you wouldn’t be found out. We reap what we sow. I don’t think suicide is an answer. I do hope you were decent enough to not sleep with your girlfriend and put her at risk. You seriously need to tell her so she can go get checked out if you have put her at risk. Then I guess it’s up to her what happens.
I haven’t had sex with her since i found out about it. In the period between my mistake and the moment i found out, we had sex once BUT Herpes should show symptoms within a week of the infection. She has none, so she didnt catch it. If she would have had symptoms i think i would have hung myself already…
How is genital herpes transmitted?
HSV infection is transmitted by direct person-to-person contact. Genital herpes is acquired through sexual contact of any type that involves contact with the genital areas. Genital herpes can also be caused by mouth to genital contact with a person who has cold sores or herpes infection of the mouth. Transmission from an infected male to a female partner is more likely than transmission from an infected woman to a male partner.
What are the signs and symptoms of genital herpes?
Many people infected with genital herpes have mild symptoms or symptoms that are mistaken for another condition. It is also possible to be infected and have no symptoms, so not everyone who is infected may be aware of the infection. When symptoms are present, they consist of typically painful blisters around the genital or rectal area. The blisters break open, form ulcers, and take 2 to 4 weeks to heal. With the first outbreak of genital herpes, a person may also experience flu-like symptoms including fever, body aches, and swollen lymph nodes. Immediately prior to an outbreak, there may be an itching, burning, or tingling sensation of the skin.
In women, genital herpes usually causes blistering lesions on the vulva and around the vaginal opening that progress to ulcer formation. The infection spreads to involve the cervix in most cases, leading to cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix). In some women, cervicitis may be the only sign of genital herpes infection. Infection and inflammation of the urethra accompanies the infection in some women, leading to pain on urination.
After the initial infection, a person may or may not have outbreaks later in life.
How is genital herpes transmitted?
HSV infection is transmitted by direct person-to-person contact. Genital herpes is acquired through sexual contact of any type that involves contact with the genital areas. Genital herpes can also be caused by mouth to genital contact with a person who has cold sores or herpes infection of the mouth. Transmission from an infected male to a female p*rtner is more likely than transmission from an infected woman to a male p*rtner.
What are the signs and symptoms of genital herpes?
Many people infected with genital herpes have mild symptoms or symptoms that are mistaken for another condition. It is also possible to be infected and have no symptoms, so not everyone who is infected may be aware of the infection. When symptoms are present, they consist of typically painful blisters around the genital or rectal area. The blisters break open, form ulcers, and take 2 to 4 weeks to heal. With the first outbreak of genital herpes, a person may also experience flu-like symptoms including fever, body aches, and swollen lymph nodes. Immediately prior to an outbreak, there may be an itching, burning, or tingling sensation of the skin.
In women, genital herpes usually causes blistering lesions on the vulva and around the vaginal opening that progress to ulcer formation. The infection spreads to involve the cervix in most cases, leading to cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix). In some women, cervicitis may be the only sign of genital herpes infection. Infection and inflammation of the urethra accompanies the infection in some women, leading to pain on urination.
After the initial infection, a person may or may not have outbreaks later in life.
Bro seriously I can understand that you cheated because sometimes in a relationship there is temptation or it feels like the other is pushing you away and I’m not a saint so don’t think I’m judging you but you were thinking with the wrong head because not only did you get herpes she could be pregnant and just not tell you until she needs something you should definitely calm down and start taking action here go to a doctor to see what exactly you can do and be honest with your girlfriend how would you feel if she went and fucked some guy unprotected then gave you the sloppy seconds I hope you achieve clarity and realize that there are ways to fix this so better get to work
I can’t provide you with tips (your post would just get deleted anyway, if we started talking methods). That’s a really, really horrible situation. I think the best thing you could do is own up to what happened. You shouldn’t be risking getting her infected and she deserves to know the truth. The longer you keep it to yourself, the worse it will get if or when the truth comes out. I understand how impossible it could seem to face it all when you’re already guilt stricken and suicidal, but it’d be better that the truth comes from you. I think you can build up from this. If you’ve been happy once, you can be again.
I’m NOT trying to make you feel guilty, but I think this is worth considering – wouldn’t your girlfriend feel much worse if you died and she found out everything? Whether you tell her or you die (or both), she’s going to have a hard time getting through it. It sounds harsh but that’s something you can’t escape. You have done something really bad here but you can start redeeming yourself. Don’t keep it up, don’t keep lying… you’ll hurt everyone more, including yourself.
Are you sure she had herpes and not just sebaceous glands. Small dots etc.
why hate yourself, she had herpes. If she had it she should have told you. Sexually active people should prob get themselves tested for things like that including her.
Tell your girlfriend before you have sex with her again. Everybody makes mistakes, we are Human.
Time to face the music. She may or may not forgive you. She may or may not leave you. Tell her soon and get it over with.
We’ve all done shitty things in our lives that we regret and wish we could take back, but what matters is how you’re going to deal with it now.
If you hate yourself for being an asshole, then stop being one and start by being honest with her. Herpes goes beyond simply cheating on someone, that’s a degenerative and very serious disease for life. Would you risk giving her AIDS? Herpes is the same in a way-just that it kills you a lot more slowly and it’s highly contagious.
If you passed it onto her, she has a right to know-plus if she ever has sex with others, they’ll get it too. So if you want to make things right-start by telling her the truth. This isn’t something to end your life over-but that decision is up to you. We can’t discuss methods here however.
Correction-whether or not you infected her, she still has a right to know, that’s the least you owe her for what you’ve done.