Hell, it’s corny as all fuck but I don’t care. Lately my personal situation has left me with more of a relation to Mr. Brightside than most songs. Well, that and a need to have one goddamn drink. Being alone sucks, but to know who you’d like to be spending time with is ignoring you, and is with their boyfriend just makes it that much worse. Experiencing one of the big depression symptoms which is… Any guesses? You Sir, You madam! You guessed it, lethargy. The girl’s out there doing God knows what for God knows what reason, and I’m sitting here talking about a God I don’t believe in. I don’t love her, but seeing her in that car with him is hell. Started out with a kiss, how did it end up like this, it was only a kiss, it was only a kiss. Jealousy… choking on your alibi… Open up my eager eyes! because I’m Mr. Brightside
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Hey man,
when I first came to SP I was in exactly your position. Just got dumped hard. She had moved onto another guy just as quickly as she came. (And she came often). lol. Anyway she turned out to be a ***** and told me how a couple weeks after our break up she found Mister right, was in love, and on cloud nine trying to rub it in my face; while I stupidly still had feelings for her. Loves a tough game. But people are always out to play other people and even the most innocent can transform before your eyes.
Point is, is tbat I was in your position and I eventually got over it. Give yourself some time Mister Brightside.