the emptiness coming back in and consuming me. I feel so alone, the holidays are coming up and my birthday is coming up. But honestly I have no one to celebrate with so what’s the point. On thanksgiving I will be home alone, no family, no food, even if I tried to plan something it would end up a mess. My birthday well forget that I’ll be lucky if anyone remembers or shows up. Christmas will be empty and I’ll bring in the new year alone what a wonderful thing. I’m so heart broken, sad and empty and it hurts to be alive right now. I don’t know what I want much less what I need, I don’t know how to make it better..
When is your birthday? I’ve got the same problem. No one to care about my birthday or be around for the holidays. I doubt the one person I want to spend some time with me for my birthday will, because I don’t matter. I’ve never had anyone in my life and I’ve spent so many birthdays totally alone. Hell, when most people go out with friends to drink on their 21st birthday, I spent mine alone in a pub and just had a single pint. Yes oddly enough I was in the UK where I didn’t have to be 21 to drink. lol But its especially painful for me this year when I fell so deeply in love with someone and yet I’m not of much inportance… sigh. My birthday is Nov. 30, btw.
Alina, are you Romanian too?
I was born in romania, I am learning the language
name sounds romanian but i doubt she is