what is life? A time voyage that only consists of people being alone, of people being forgotten, broken, left? I feel so alone and like theres no one there for me… I feel broken. Am i broken? Why does everyone leave my sight, my life ? Its like i put all this time into people and im the nicest person to everyone when they need something but right when you are broken they leave and tell you all these crazy shit. Do any of you guys just wonder what this life would be without you like if it would be better or not? Cause i do all the time they way my family is with me i sometimes with i wasnt even born into this miserable life … I dont want to be alone im tiered of it !
“It’s a wonderful life” that movie they play every Christmas with Jimmy Stewart. I often wish I would be able to see what life would be like if I wasn’t born. Truth is I saw that movie once but it was so long that I kind of faded in and out of it.
It sucks when you help others and they leave you behind. This has happened to me and my family has even done this to me. I’m sorry firefly. 🙁 You’re a beautiful person for helping and being kind to others I hope you know that.
I honestly dont know what i am anymore .. Its hard to be there for so many people when they need You and then be alone when they dont. I sometimes feel like people use me.
Try living in a family that every single member doesnt talk to you .. They ignore you and talk bad about you .. Every single one and the one i thought i had left yesterday told me to stop talking to them and get over myself simply because i asked advice and because i was crying .
I’m very sorry. I can see how that can be hard and why you feel the way you do. There is nothing wrong with you at all. You don’t deserve to be treated that way.
I’m truly not the best at giving advice about this. I just hope to offer a bit of support. Hazy gave a great comment below. The problem I deal with in my family is I don’t receive support for my depression. They ignore me when I’m in pain.
I saw the other post you made and we’re here for you. We won’t ignore you. I think having a place to talk about your feelings and to be heard helps. 🙂
My mother curse me and always say that if I had 1 wish I will wished that u never born. DYing slow death daily. Sometime I think that I m mentally sick kind of guy.
So just ignore them no other option
@firefly: Walk away from the people who use you. It is a flat out lie that you can’t chose family. You absolutely can. There is no reason to live life surrounded by people who don’t have your best interests in mind. Don’t mistake the people you are related to as people who have your best interests in mind. I have found in life that the people I am related to as being the people with the least idea of what is best for me. I was raised by the worst possible woman who was and still is mentally ill. The rest of the extended family would sooner flush me down a toilet than help me, including my father. Just walk away. Walk away and build your own family from people who have your best interests in mind. Family can be toxic. I know my family is toxic.
Family is hard because you live under the same roof as them yet sometimes when there is no connection it becomes very bothersome I can relate but I get by avoiding them and only turning to them when they really need something. Family is always complicated subject just as depression because most of the time they are that reasoning resource.
Antidote to craptastic family: pack back with essentials, put bag on back, open door, walk out door, keep walking until I find a place that I want to experience some, unpack bag, stay for a while. family is far far far away. No forwarding address given.
Hahaha share me some of that antidote. I know just the place to go with it and that’s definitely far far away from here.
The thousand mile journey begins but with a step. ~Lao Tzu