First and foremost i want to genuinely wish everyone that 2016 may be more happy or at least more bearable that the previous ones.
This Christmas i decided to give myself a present, thats right, thats why i’ve been somewhat absent lately …..i’ve decided to aquire my method, it wasnt easy and it took me months of reasearch, but i’ve made it.
It’s pretty much like band aid or tylenol or spare tire, you never know when you’re gonna need it….
If there is one time of the year i dread is New Year, it reminds me how lonely i am, you see i’ve only made real friends when i was away in college and since everyone of them was from that area and i’m broke and can’t afford to spend a few days away from home, i dont really get to see them that often……..
A Critical point is approaching in my life, so the day i’m about to meet my maker maybe just around the corner.
Sorry the rant, and have a good Nye Years day everyone 😉