Just walked in thinking everyone thinks im shit (which they do). Its better then walkong in all happy, and excited thinking im just going to be nice and maby make some friends. But insted they are just fake to me and talk shit about me behind my back. This way they cant hurt me worse then i hurt myself. ? Is it bad that this makes me calm.
Gosh this is bad. Yeah work?
I’m reading “Daring Greatly” (because I’m fucking desperate).
In it, she writes about a man who told her that he had gone through life like that: preparing for the worst.
Then he was in a car accident and his wife was killed. And all that preparation hadn’t prepared him for it at all.
And now he regretted that he hadn’t properly appreciated all the good times with his wife. So he had decided to enjoy his life from now on, as an homage to his wife.
thats really nice