last time i wrote here was on my 15th birthday, probably the worst birthday ever because no one showed up to the party. There was this nice guy i think, seesmith, who really inspired me with his words- he told me to be my true self even tho it’s a painful process. So that’s what i did. I took a step back. I didn’t talk to my “friends” for three months now and no one cares how i’m doing. The people i called friends doesn’t really care. I feel really lonely. I eat nothing and sleep all day so i can avoid the loneliness. My mom keeps telling me i gain weight (and i eat nothing all day) so my self esteem is really low. I don’t know what to do. I have no one to talk to. Please help me.
i know how you feel , really , even i’m not in your skin . These people aren’t your friends , a friend is someone whom you can talk about everything and be yourself around him … at least this is how i think it should be a ” friend ” … Mind telling me more of your story ? ( story is my way of saying ” life , experiences ” and so on , you name it . hope it does not offend you . i’m sorry if it does )
Well that’s why we are all here for you. We may be strangers but we are also friends.
A friend is someone that cares even if you never physically meet them in person.
Its sad that you are going through these feelings at such a young age.
I have nearly 30 years on top of you. Those people that you call friends that don’t care,
well they are not true friends. A true friend is one that is there for you no matter what,
and they are very hard to find. I have had a few in my lifetime, but they don’t always stay for life either, they come and go and that just seems to be the way life is.
Sometimes you have to look outside your normal surroundings for true friends.
If you can’t find them at school, try getting involved in some sort of group that has completely different people to what you are used to. There are good people out there of all ages, and you don’t always have to have friends the same age as you either. You could make a best friend of any age. Think about something different you could get involved in, something you might enjoy and you may just find a new friend there with the same interests as you.
Being alone in a crowded room is the worst
Hello Emma and Happy Belated Birthday 🙂
Friends will drift in and out of your life and sadly those we believe will be with us through thick and thin don’t always do that.
I’d suggest finding a hobby or going places you enjoy to help meet new people (I know talking to others face to face can be a real pain) but it’s funny how one good conversation can change the day.
Maybe go for a walk everyday to help you feel better and it could help get you out of your slump of sleeping all day. Food can be really fussy so start simple with the 3 main meals a day, remember life is a marathon so baby steps.
From reading all your posts I bet you have more redeeming qualities then you have shared, please remember where you are today or even next month won’t be the same place you’ll be in 5 years time.
Keep your head up