I am not sure if this is going to break the rules or not and I am sorry in advance if it does.
Tonight at 11pm GMT I will start the song that I have already decided I will fall “asleep” too. At the start of the song, I will drink my “sleepy time” juice followed with a shot of vodka to make it even more so. I should be asleep within 90 secs-2 mins. Long before my favorite song will end. Its the one I always dance to when I do ballet.
While I will be all alone for this moment, I would like very much not to be “alone”. I wanted to know if you would join me in listening to said song with me at that precise moment in time. I would like to have my friends be “by my side” as I leave this world behind.
Off to my light dinner and to watch the sun slowly set on my final day. I am at peace. And yet, I feel nothing. I am numb.
Thank you all again, who have shared this last two days with me. I wish you all the best. I’m sure I will say chat with you some more as the night wears on. In the meantime….I’m off to eat and have a final cup(s) of coffee.
Of course. What’s your favorite song?
8 <3
What’s the song? right now it’s 12 am GMT. You have another 23 hours until 11pm. What’s going on?
I’m very sad. I don’t know if i should be sad. I don’t want to seem selfish. The world will lose another special person… Would like to know about this song if that’s ok… You see alot of people here are suicidal including myself. I hope we’ll all be there together having an endless party 😉 in death 😛
You are never alone. You will hopefully go to a better place, a place where nobody or nothing will hurt you again. And it is of your own choosing! 😀 I’ll be waiting to meet you when i eventually die too.
Sorry if my post seems over the top I’m not good with words…
And sorry if i sound insensitive
Here is the song….its from my favorite ballet, I always identified myself with this one all to well.
By the time it ends, I should have just taken my last breath.
When I was in the ballet, I played Odette….I never felt more beautiful or alive in that moment and over the years I will replay this over and over and dance. I miss the stage but that is ancient history.
Here is the main theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cNQFB0TDfY
It’s my all time favorite.
I’m still holding your hand, and will stay beside you all of my life.
Still holding on to yours as well. Lest, we breathe deep as we only have hours to go before we apart
I’m not sure if you did it already but I hope you find peace. I hope we all find peace.
Still here for another few hours.
greenwichmeantime.com says it’s 12:45am right now.
So are you waiting until 11pm on Tuesday, or did you mean 11pm eastern time Monday night, which would be in about three more hours?
I’m on Baja, MX time right if that helps you. It’s 4:51pm here
Ok. So you’re three hours behind Eastern time.
Therefore your 11pm will be my 2am.
I promise I will be awake then, and I promise I will listen to Swan Lake.
I respect your choice, though I have to admit I still hope you will be with us tomorrow, having changed your mind. I understand it’s probably not likely. But I will keep hoping.
And again I promise to stay up past 2 in the morning, listening to the song.
I remember having to learn Swan Lake for my music lessons when I was much much younger. Now, whenever I hear it, it will always remind me of you and this day.
Thank you Cordless, that means everything to me. That is so sweet and kind. I actually brought my pointe shoes with me. I was thinking I would do one last dance before I sit down to drink my “sleepy time” juice. What a beautiful way to go. My pointe shoes and my favorite song playing from one of my favorite ballet.
I’ll be thinking of you. I plan to post my final good bye just before 11pm. I hope to see you there. 😉 HUGS
twix this rainbow,
Sorry i really don’t know you! you haven’t given me much time to talk to you, i would like to know more about you, your story, what are you drinking? besides the vodka? i don’t want you to make a mistake and wind up worse off than you already feel, we care about you 🙂 what song?
Right now I am having coffee and still waiting on my churro, you know they do everything right here but get me my damn churro in a timely manner. Damn, don’t they know a girl is on a schedule? Sheesh.
Not much to tell. Just a girl in a cruel, cruel world. I love the beach, water, any water sport….like surfing. Nothing special.
Thank you for reaching out to me.
twix this rainbow,
how old are you? yes it’s a cruel, cruel world i live in it too! more info! i love surfing and the beach! that’s something to think about! no more surfing or beach! no more nothing! you will never experience the beach surfing or anything again, stick around.
While all this may be true, I shouldn’t know the difference, should I? So, I know it won’t matter but if I get my way, I’m creating my own world with my own happy ending. Hey, I’m dying here, I can think what I like. LOL
I’m in my 30’s. I’m an old fart. KIDDING!
twix this rainbow,
i love to cook! i’m making tacos tonight! i’m cooking the meat now! it smells so good! i put everything on plates, lettuces, tomatoes, sour cream, avocado, everything! i love them! i have to clean around my ears when i get finished eating them 🙂 you don’t want to miss the fun do you?
You have always made me smile on this forum. You crack me up. I love to cook too…..I had a friend that would tell you that. I cooked and baked like a mad woman on crack. LOL ok not the best analogy but hey…whatever.
I had a lovely quesadilla soup for dinner with a salad, coffee, and churro…yep it finally came. Could only eat half of it though. My dinner was yummy!!!! I’m now sipping between three drinks..yes, I kid you not. Coffee, diet coke, and some kind of fruity drink that has rum in it…IDK but it’s good.
twix this rainbow, Stop it! ha ha! things start getting good at 30! the happy ending is coming anyways! for everyone! think about it! think about trying to live and smelling the coffee.
You dance ballet? I do too but my parents don’t want me to make ballet my living, probably because they think that I can’t live my life with the arts. If I can’t be a ballet dancer, I can work as a scientist in my country, but my parents think it’s dangerous to do so, so either way, I don’t get to do what I want to do, I guess. I want to dance as Aurora once in a ballet, even just dancing the Rose Adagio would be enough for me, before I die. But looking at my life right now, I’m not quite sure if I can live long enough to do so.
By the way, how many times have you been on stage and what pointe shoes do you use? If reincarnation was real, I hope that in your next life, you’d be happy and dance ballet and do whatever makes you happy and that despair will never show up on your door.
I hope you’ll find peace and I’m sorry if I can’t reply back because I have to go to school in an hour ://
If I make it to April, I’ll be able to dance Snowflakes from The Nutcracker so yaaay 😀 (which is a weird time to be dancing it, because it’d be spring by then in the temperate countries).
I’ll answer you quickly as I want to get to the waters edge and I know you have school shortly.
I have been on stage 22 times, I’ve dance the lead in Swan Lake, Giselle, Beauty and the Beast, Sleeping Beauty, I was also the lead in the Nutcracker 4 times. I played young Marie 2 years running and then adult Marie 2 years running. And Then I did some minor ballets here and there, nothing major bur beautiful none the less. Oh and less not forget ….The Red Shoes. Love that one.
I wear the Bloch European Balance in 4C.
I hope you get to dance Snowflake. I love that sequence. I got to be a Sugar Plum fairy once, I think I loved that most of all.
Dancing Rose Adagio is so…omg, no words. I haven’t been on stage in a very long time. but I still dance at home.
🙂 beautiful
I meant Clara…wtf? LOL sorry…I was thinking of another part I played in a random ballet when I wrote marie
Oh and ps Viola….being a pro ballerina is very very hard but so rewarding. Make your own happiness.
Thank you for your kind words. They have given me hope to keep going forward, hoping for a better future for myself. 🙂