really bring out the darkness inside me. I try so fucken hard to excel to be a better person in spite of all the fucked up things that are my life. I try to be more understanding, forgiving, helpful, kind but GOD WTF is the point?!!!! People abuse the fuck out of that!!! WHY!??? I’m tired of trying to be the exception of trying to be one of the good people left but it is truly exhausting and hard and I want to give in. Seriously fuck it I’ll just be a selfish asshole like everyone else in the world. I have feelings for someone I’ve known for about 2 years and I try my hardest to help them in every way you can think of and they are simply using me. Honestly I don’t care I don’t want to hear excuses or apologies I’m done. NO one ever fucken helped me and I had to figure life out on my own so it’s not my responsibility. Sorry for this bullshit rant I’m clearly in my feelings.
It is rotten when people try to take advantage of someone’s kindness.
It makes the person think twice about being kind next time. They might eventually even feel resentful, and that’s really unfortunate, since it’s exactly the opposite of what the world needs right now.
Hey Cordless i thought your picture was of a flower for a second 😉
Hey alina_01, it’s been awhile, hasn’t it? Welcome back 🙂
You don’t need me to say it but sadly this is how the majority of people are
If you want to live in society I am afraid you will have to abide by their rules Alina.
You shall mind your own business. Don’t be too nosy. Or else.
You shall not try to care or even inquire about the well being of others.
You shall not love, except in a sexual way (as requested)
No spiritual stuff (now repeat after me please)
I believe you are one of the few left. People abuse you. They do it to me too. That is the only thing they know. Just be careful. Okay?