When dose the pain end drowning in thoughts going to sleep praying by some miracle you don’t wake up and waking up trying to find a good enough reason to live but you can find anyone iv just had enough what’s the point why am I fighting so much to live if I’m just live to die so unhappy what do u do when your life is a mess and all u think about is death how can u live this way
Good morning D. yes another day I’ve woken up (literally) so I can read what you have written. Thank You Drowning. “for being here for me today”
Hay totree haven’t seen u in a wile how’s things my friend
I’m doing “OK” as the crow flies You know just walking this lonely road.
U been busy my friend ? U didn’t attempt did u haven’t seen u post in a wile
Nope not anything in the Sort of Attempt…… Lots of Doctor visits
And watching with my Evil Eye.
I don’t want to express my feeling to someone I don’t like.. It wont help them.
You should slap your evil eye on drownings angel pic. It would be an epic mash up.