… so I was sitting on the couch listening ta triple J enjoying a nice coffee, right, and I’m nice and relaxed so I just put my head back and I had a sip of coffee in my mouth and when I went to swallow it I noticed a little bit of trouble like I just had to move my head (and with it my neck) down just a little bit in order to swallow, and it got me trying to drink down this drink with my head held all the way back and I just couldnt do it without the little bit of forward, more down, movement. When I tried to forcefully keep my head back and swallow I almost kinda choked (not in a normal way like some weird thing was happening with the liquid, hard to describe) and yeah I found I just couldn’t do it holding still. How slightly weird huh?¿?
Any thoughts?
Haha what?..sorry you choked
hey kupo
Im trying this now
It dint happen
Really…. told you im weird…..
Try and (with your hand and your chin) hold your head up as far as it goes and swallow without moving it at all
Yeah it was weird its like there has to be a bit of movement for your throat to swallow properly or something i just couldnt do it holdin my head up and still and when i tried it kinda fucked my throat up a little bit but hey thats all in the fun i guess… hehe im weird…
hey pony boy
how you doin today
Im good i guess, cleaned out more crap from my room (im moving out soon) and I kinda need to be in at least an ok mood or better to do so without it aggravating me cause if im in a not good mood ill just start to think about my life and get depressed and angry (hence the name) so yeah i guess im good 🙂
Still dint work lol
Yep… im. Just. Really. Really. Very. Weird.
It seems to be true lol
Yep. 😀 what about you kupo? How weird are you on some scale of your choosing¿
Um a 8 out of ten… This is because “freinds” and family scaled it that way lol
What about YOUR scale?? I must know your words¿¿
A ten out of ten
Yes thats what I was waiting for 🙂 one must execpt their weridness and embrace it [boldly jumps on table and beats chest]
Haha ill do that at dinner tonight the old people will die .
Haha what a sight that would be
Mr Angry…. Did you really just make a post describing you having a cup of coffee?
Man, you are awesome. Don’t choke on it next time. Have your kneck (yes, I spelled it with a K) in the right angle. Don’t want you to die choking on coffee. Imagine, death by coffee.
I just woke up..rolled the wrong way .pants too tight..thot of you..here you are..
My Nutty… I had the most amazing night last night because of you. I still feel awesome and it’s thanks to you. I never feel this way. It’s so rare. 🙂 Keep doing what you’re doing. It’s working wonders.
thank you…it’s humbling to be able to be afforded any time in your company..anyone can find a rose but you are the rarest kind of flower that springs up among the other piles of shite..again thank you for a little time..
‘Like a rainbow rose’ hehe yeah?
@Nutty…. And the rarest kinds are to be treasured. I’m glad I got a chance to be in your company as well. You make me smile. It’s just an automatic smile that crosses my face each time I see your name pop up. Another rare thing for me.
@ylem…as you know I am a hopeless romantic..and a sweetheart, but in the interest of truth telling …that same smile can be said of me too, however last night that was not all that popped up..oh dear me.. I’ve let the cat out of the bag..carry on people nothing to see here…
Why thank you ylem, but hey what a way to go that would be, it’d for sure make the papers hehe (not that I would really care)
You won’t be here anymore. 🙂 It would be a nice piece to read off the papers.
THE WEST AUSTRALIAN (yes thats where I live)
“Young man dies choking on his morning coffee”
“Jordan ***** was found late this morning woth his head back and and liquid substance later found to be coffee blocking his windpipe eyewitnesses say he had a smile on his face” Hahaha
Hahaha…. What a headline. It will surely catch my attention. Really Mr Angry? You would be smiling? I thought I was the one who thinks the day I die will be the happiest moment in my life. You are automatically my best friend right now. Because of the smile, and the fact that you called me a masochist the first time you spoke to me. 🙂
Thanks im glad we’re friends and i tend to get people as much or sometimes more then they themselves do
A talent I so wish to have. I’m a very bad judge of character and I end up mixing with the wrong crowd. You will have to teach me.
Yes misjudging people can often lead to trainwreck situations
@Nutty….hahaha 😀 you crack me up. No wonder the jeans were extra tight last night….
Unfortunately, you can’t take it back. It’s out there. Once the cat is out of the bag, it’s out there. Not going back in. 🙂
But I’ll help you out. Move along people. Nothing interesting to see here!!
Cats hate bags…
@ylemmy..was so grateful..you didn’t say anything when you loosened then..awkward on a first date you know..quite the lady you were..
@Nutty…. You were too nervous, sweating and shaking and all. I was secretly looking and laughing and finding it hard to swallow the cheesy pinenut pizza. To be honest, you made me weak at the knee. Guess I was that awesome at hiding it since you couldn’t tell a thing.
@ylemmy…nervous and sweating was because I didn’t want to f it up.. I got to c the girl that no one else gets to c…the shaking was actually my excuse for dancing…the pizza was yummy..sorry if you took offense when I whipped the grease from your top..you made my heart weak.. my speak..and it had knee problems as well…weeeee knee..bloody hell..what have I done..