I can’t stand it anymore. Despite the fact I had a miscarriage and I feel lonely and suicidal, my parents are pushing me over the edge. I’m forced to live with my mom which gets angry at everything and she doesn’t let me do anything even though I’m almost twenty. She locks me in her house which makes me more depressed. I feel trapped, I don’t have freedom, I don’t have anything. My dad calls me fat and is trying to force me to go to the gym while I still can’t get over my miscarriage and don’t want to lose my bump. It reminds me of my baby, and I’m not ready to let that go. If anything, I think I’m eating more just so I can keep it. They are not supportive at all and are driving me crazy. I just wish to be gone.
Can you talk to them? Are you close enough to say anything to them?
Can you stay away at someone elses place?
No, I can’t. They mistreat me and call me names. They make me feel worse. I can’t stay at someone else’s place. It doesn’t work like that in my country. I’m stuck with my mom unless I end my life.
Can you just leave?
My mom doesn’t let me. Latin parents try to control their children forever specially if you live with them,
I can relate to being stuck at home with parents. I’m 20 and it’s driving me mad.. You are not alone, hun. :/
Hey, it’s ok to be sad, losing your baby must be very sad and painful, it’s ok to feel that, don’t let your parents hate make you feel guilty for how you feel.
I live with my abusive grandmother, I know how hard it is to cope with all the hate, specially when going through a rough time in you life. It’s shitty of them. Not of you. Try looking for freedom inside yourself, talk to us here, look for kindness, I swear it exists.
I’ve read your previous posts and just wish to say I’m sorry that you lost your baby, also sorry that your parents aren’t supporting you at this difficult time, surely they can see your need. Please keep going, you may have to cope with this alone and that’s hard on you, I wish you could find a support group, even online, but we are listening to you here.
I’m looking for one but can’t seem to find any.
My mom just locked me in the house with an actual lock…
Oh man 🙁
I’m so sorry you miscarried as well as having so little support at home. I really hope things get better for you, you don’t deserve this and I hope you can hang on
Like I don’t even have access to the Internet in my room, I have to sit on the staircase to get signal and my sister that has wifi in her room won’t let me stay in her room to use it and locks her door so I won’t come in. She says it’s because she needs to sleep and whatever but I can hear her watching a movie. I don’t want to be with her either, she is not supportive and she told my parents something she shouldn’t have and now I’m in more trouble.
i can relate to you very much.. I really want to write a long comment *i already did and deleted it* and tell you how close ur life to mine but i dont feel comfortable writing in the comment section.
Can you please email me, my email is death.wish59 @ yahoo . com