Since last night my internet connection died unexpectedly, I had to wait until I could get out of the house and go somewhere with WiFi.
While I was offline, I decided to use the time by writing some more music.
It’s a piece I started last week, during my extra dark bad days. Some things happened that triggered a pretty nasty pit of depression. It was bad and ugly and nasty, and I’m sorry for those of you that got to see that side of me.
Now I’m back to just my usual moderate day-to-day depression.
(Yay, I guess.)
But enough about that… the music!!
It’s a lot different from the two previous pieces I posted here.
Those were calm and serene and peaceful.
This new one is… well, I thought to myself that it rides the delicate line between “seriously bad depression” and “mild-mannered axe-murderer”.
It’s 99% done, and I plan on posting it here tonight.
(Well… tonight MY time, which is about 12-13 hours from now).
Since the music was inspired by some ugly depression triggers, I titled the piece “Triggering”.
Listening to it, I’m reminded both of Gregorian Chant AND the soundtrack to “Nightmare Before Christmas”.
So obviously my head is pretty screwed up.
See you all tonight, I hope.
“Nightmare Before Christmas”. HA HA! I was just thinking about that soundtrack before i saw your post!! 🙂 Hey don’t apologize for writing music while feeling this way or that way lots of good stuff was composed by doing that, who wants to hear zippy do dah all the time?
Anyone who wanted to listen to Zippity-Do-Dah for 24 hours straight probably WOULD end up being an axe-murderer.
So a monkish Danny Elfman.
It helps if you picture him carrying a rusty hatchet.
Nice. I look forward to hearing it.
I always find it interesting people find a rusty hatchet to be scarier than a clean sharp one. Truthfully either one will do the same damage, and if you are expired then the chance of infection or Tetanus are really negligible.
I guess the logic focuses on the fact that if you survive the rusty hatchet wounds, you still have additional health issues to worry about.
Whereas if you survive clean sanitized hatchet wounds, you can go back to worrying about other things instead, like politics or zombie invasions or how to successfully work “hatchet survivor” into an online dating profile.
Nice. Let me know when you come up for appropriate “hatchet attack survivor” wording for online dating sites. I imagine the same language could be applicable for many things in life.
Well, if it weren’t for “screwed up in the head” artists, we’d never get any good music. So thanks. 😛
The good comes with the bad. I guess that’s why most American’s are med’ed up to the wazoo- to feel NO emotion. Flat lining.
Yeah, my internet sucked ass last night. I did have access but it was slow as fuck. I thought about you and figured yours would probably be out.
At first I thought it was Comcast fucking with me. I had downgraded my plan after they had jacked up the rate after my “promo” rate ended. I didn’t feel like getting butt-raped over the new rate so I called and downgraded the plan. THe speed has been cut in half but supposedly it should still be frigging fast. But these last few days have been utterly terrible. Like less than 1mbps at certain points. I’ve only had the new plan like a week so thought Comcast was messing with me so that I’d be forced to call back and upgrade it back to the old plan. Anyway, I’m rambling on about internet connection.
I’m glad you wrote another piece. Besides, we’re all “descending into madness” here on SP so I’m sure some of us can resonate with the “depressed-axe-murderess-ness” of the piece. 😛
oh, I didn’t mean you were screwed up in the head in a bad way- that’s why I had it in quotes. I think all of us on SP, all of us who are depressed, are all kinda “screwed up in the head.” Myself especially. Bah!
No offense taken. 🙂
I’m just as messed up as the rest of you.
lol most of the greatest composers & writers were really fucked up in the head. that’s what i meant.
I’ve got THAT part down pretty well.
and if you are by chance an axe-murderer, can you off all my enemies?? 😀
If I someday decide to supplement my income with that hobby, you will be one of the first to know!
Do you need a resume?
Should I fill out an application?
so all i need is money, eh? 😉
or- if i need someone to douse someone in tomato sauce while they’re asleep… they’d wake up and go…wt…f…??? muahahaa
tho… i’d need a key to my enemies places. hm, how about carry a bucket of tomato sauce and when they’re walking unsuspecting, then WHAM! the really shitty ones need a bucket o’ poop.
Don’t bother with tomato sauce– use habanero pepper sauce so it gets in their eyes.
Then they’ll just WISH they were dead.
I love hot sauce, really I do. The hotter the better.
I can eat habaneros and ghost peppers raw.
But OMG. If that stuff gets in my eyes, awful things happen.
Where would you get a bucket of poop from?
Just curious.
LOTS of dog poop on the streets where I am. People don’t fucking clean up their damn dogs!!!!!
It’s a 1099 job. If you decide to claim your income that is.
My internet was slow too last night, and I have TWC. Hu. I wonder if there were sunspots or some shit like that fucking with us all.
I wondered about sunspots too… Since while the net WAS up earlier in the evening, some of my usual sites were down… like Wunderground (where I check the weather).
It was weird for them to be down, and I wondered if it was a sunspot or solar flare or martian laser gun interference or something.
was it raining where you were? i thought the rain caused the internet to be slow, then I did a search on Google and I read that when the weather is bad, internet is slow, not necessarily bc of the bad weather itself usually, but bc EVERYONE is HOME and USING THE DAMN INTERNET, arrrrgh. Hence, slooow ass internet. It’s faster now but still not as fast as it *should* be. I’m *supposed* to get 25 Mbps. It’s at 17 now but last night it dipped down to 0.48. Fuckers!!!!!
The last few days have been kind of a blur.
We had freezing rain for awhile, then snow, then winds from hell, and now it’s actually above freezing for the first time in awhile.
75 and sunny here beoches.
I just posted it on Facebook and am awaiting judgment from 38 people who may or may not care. 🙂
On the bright side, I emailed it to my symphony director, and he said he likes it. So yay for that at least.