I want to die. I want to leave this place. All I want to say is… I AM SORRY. I am sorry I am so broken. I am sorry I don’t make any sense. I am sorry I am a burden. I am sorry I have gotten in the way. I am sorry for leaving you, but I am also sorry I stayed so long. I am sorry I am the way I am. I am sorry I am sick. I am sorry I haven’t done or said the right things. I am sorry I haven’t tried hard enough. I know this is my fault and I am sorry.
Sont apolgise nothing is your fualt
Yeah I have to agree with kupo95 don’t apologize nothing is your fault.
Hey 3of6,
Sounds you are freaking out right now. I have felt that way many times. Do you want to talk about it? It’s ok to feel however you feel. If I could go back and talk to my younger guilt ridden self I would tell her that none of it was really her fault and she never had anything to apologize for. Maybe this applies to you, you are just too emotional and hurting right now to realize it.
You are probably right. I am just tired of other people telling me what I need to do to fix things. I know depression isn’t a choice, but people talk about it like it is. I know I didn’t choose to be the mess that I am, yet I keep thinking that I somehow got myself here and I should be able to get myself out. I know it isn’t my fault, but I feel like I messed everything up.
Every human makes “mistakes” or does things they wish they didn’t. It’s a normal part of life. When a person succeeds at something it usually comes after they have fucked up a hundred times. If you’re not fucking up then you’re not really living. You say “I got myself here and I should be able to get myself out”. I’m not sure what your situation is but you do have some control over what happens next. You can’t undo the past but u can pick yourself up, dust yourself off and keep on taking risks (aka living life). I hope you get through this and feel better soon. Hugs.
You have nothing to be sorry for. <3
+1 to the comment above. You don’t have to be sorry for feeling what you feel, i guess most of us here can relate.
“Sorry” I’ve been told i say that a lot. Live friend. Don’t be sorry. I understand more than you think. Why do we broken humans apologise for our feelings