I’ve been on this site for 4-5 years. When i was more active in the community, these are the people who meant the most to me. Please let me know if you reconize or know any of these members. It would make my day.
No one remember Klaurens I’m sure. But exhausted24 was the coolest person ever. I still have the emails from kallie’s family after she died. Dawg and AtTheEnd, and Duke were everywhere. Every single post, they would comment on. There’s this annie girl that showed me this site. She’s always meant the world to me. I know pasceltrees is never going to see this, but meeting you has changed my life in such an amazing way. Considering that I’ve always tried to met with you on multiple occasions and even asked you to marry me at one point haha. Fakingit was my best friend when i started here. We have quite a few emails. allbeletshappy, I know we’ve talked quite a lot in emails, I don’t know why we sudden’y stopped. Theres this girl named KenzieMack I used to have a crush on. She had amazing writing. Another girl named Iida, she was the nicest person I’ve met. And finally, a few last shout-outs to LadyLoki, AmiBelle, SeidAdam, DerekCrosson, Ayanna, and finally, straw. Thank all of you!
Some are still lurking around (i don’t recognize all names), so i’m pretty sure they’ll come out of isolation to say hi, lol.
You sound like a really nice person. I’m new but I’m sure they were all wonderful people and I wish I had the chance to meet them.
It’s fine, there are plenty of nice new people on now. its just that the population on this site is a lot higher than it used to be. You don’t just know everybody like you did then. But i wouldn’t say that’s a bad thing. There’s always new people to talk to. I was just thinking back, remembering my old family.
Man, I miss Duke (although Rocketman seems to have picked up the baton on being the local joker par excellence).
Dawg was always so kind. I’m sorry about kallie, whom I didn’t know.
Anyone remember the guy who always talked about the void? It was quite fascinating, really.
I thought duke was still around under another nickname? might be wrong tho, because if he is i have now idea what his nickname is now, lol. Dawg has posted a few times, and i think the guy you’re referring to regarding the void thing was quaero? (or something like that).
The ‘Void Guy’ was Mr Kolcack.
His first name was the hottest season of the year minus one M.
I think he lives in Turkey now, he’s got a youtube channel if you’re interested.
He’s the reason the word consum.erism goes to spam. (his name.)
Or cons.umer. Just saw a bunch of posts with that word in spam.
RIGHT! because he originally went by the name “$u.mer” Thanks for the memory jolt 🙂
Yep. He’s as forbidden as the word n*mbutal or p*rtner.
It’s pathetic that the moderators of this site are so pedantic over something so inconsequential.
Yeah but he use to hammer the crap out of the site with about a dozen lunatic posts per hour – it was REALLY out of hand at that point
By the way – Hi again Morris 🙂
old dawg
Hi Dawg; I’m glad you haven’t swallowed a lead aspirin. Instead you got a girlfriend. 🙂
Good to know you’re not taking a dirt nap.
In defense of Mr. Kolcak, he’s the only person I’m aware of who ever posted a picture of a washing machine on a suicide site. He also discovered Britney Spears. 🙂 The man was comedy gold. (And most of the time I don’t think he was even trying to be funny).
I just hope that the citizenry of Turkey can appreciate his contributions.
I’ve actually had the GF going on 3 yrs now – current events and what have you 😛
SO no – no planned exit any time soon – just “living the dream” 😛
You are correct – that guy was nutso hysterical – If only he didn’t spam thesite, he’d have been legendary … what al i saying?!? he’ll always be legendary 😀
Hope all is reasonably well with you my friend 🙂
giggle dawg
@Dawg; In all sincerity I wish you the best. You’re one of ‘the good guys’ and you’re a legend in my book.
(No homo here) 🙂
Dawg was always a empathetic realist 🙂
Still on this plane, but with all the comings and goings of people I remember and limited time to immerse in the issues here, all made it difficult to contribute and be relevant. I always tried to understand the person and issue that I chose to address before commenting – it was easier when I had time to maintain the relationships I had cultivated here and knew most of the back story without needing to go back and read a dozen threads/posts – as much as I’d like to – it just takes too much time anymore – that in and of itself is depressing to me but I imagine it’s a “cost of doing business” when cultivating and maintaining a real world romantic relationship. I can’t possibly expect her (my GF) to understand that she should take a back seat to SP … just not a realistic request to make – if I want to continue a healthy relationship.
So usually when I come here it’s to see if anyone asks about me or comments on any of my posts or references me – then I can participate efficiently.
I always like seeing folks I’ve known come back and help others and share stories of relative success. Seeing names that have struggled with issues and somehow still manage to trudge through each day is uplifting after all these years. I like to think I played some small part in getting them through even if only minimally – I feel their pain and would bear it for them if I could, if only for a few moments respite.
FYI – if you’re looking for Duke – you need to look for Horse racing related username – he almost always used the name of a race horse 😉
I visit about 2-3 times a month on average – if you need my input, put my name in the comments or post title so the search will find it when I visit. I can’t promise to respond in timely fashion but I WILL respond to direct queries.
The more you know 😉
Does anyone know how AtTheEnd is doing? Always liked that kid even when he was difficult … what about shatteredglass? Has anyone seen my old kookie friend Amakua? Such a sweet old broad – and my Trixie … ahh the memoris – Good to see you all again MF, Mus and DW 🙂 I miss you guys
Love dawg
Dawg The thing is, i remember seeing your name, everywhere, and i remember talking to you on some big posts. I just never talked to you specifically before or directly, until now. From my view point, it seemed like most people loved you and you were going around and helping literally every single person on here. The comment feed that shows up on the right was just your name over and over.. At least, for a time. And i was a bit jealous. I never had the time or dedication to do what you did, to help so many people.
But i do know that you’re existence here made a big difference to the community here. Thank you for being here 🙂
DW – thanks for that. I always hoped I was being of help. I had the time because I had the time. I really had little life outside my house and dogs because once I finished work, my body was too wracked in pain to carry on much of a social life … yet somehow, I managed to land a GF who I now live with … and for obvious reasons, my time has become limited to where I can spend it. Women, it turns out, like to be the center of attention and won’t take “sorry dear, I have to blog/post” as a suitable reason to be denied 😛
But I’m still wracked with pain every day and it’s probably somewhat worse now :/
It was easier back then for me to jump on just about anyone’s post because they all knew me and those that didn’t know me at least knew of me. But the less time I was able to spend, the less I was “in the loop, new people can that I never interacted with and old people left or faded away – I like to think they move on and found a positive way to cope and be productive, but the realist in me know some move on from their mortal coil. Either way, each week or two I’d come back and need to invest heavily in time to understand a single post I’d find that I wanted to respond to … but I often had to read earlier posts to get some background – I know I hate repeating myself and I did’t want to make someone who was already stressed feel worse by making them repeat themselves for some random commenter they’ve never interacted with … so my posts/comments became sparse.
All we can do is try to empathize/sympathize and live the advice we give others to be an example of perseverance. I’m glad others such as yourself have picked up the torch – but contribute when you can, not because you feel you must – each of us has to take care of ourselves first … if we don’t, we can’t be here to help someone else later.
Again, thanks for the kind words – sorry (not too sorry : P ) I made you feel jealous. 🙂
original dawg
i was too when i had my gf. There is always pain. Come one whenever you’re feeling down, alright? Perhaps when you’re girl isn’t looking or when she’s away. Wouldn’t want her to get jealous.
That’s always the balancing act – visiting/participating when time permits and GF is out of eyeshot :/
FYI – my pain is physical so it always kicks my ass :/ But I’ll try to visit more regular like
absentee dawg
Hey Dawg… I miss Amakua. We emailed for a little while after she left this site but it’s probably been a couple of years since I last heard from her. I’ve wondered from time to time how she’s been doing.
@muspelhem I remember the name rocketman but never paid attenion to his stuff really :/ I kind of remember the void guy.. Sorry to say, i do not remember you xc
Man that totally sucks. I’m the icing on the cake.
Its not like you remember me!! It doesn’t matter though. Most of my posts have been deleted.
I know I’m late in replying… There’s a lot of good people that I’ve crossed paths with over the past few years. They made SP a warm place when I got here. Many of them I’ve lost touch with and I hope that they’re doing well.
i Just saw @distant roads response on the comments page (glad to see you btw!!) and was a bout to mention that Dawg still hung around, but i see he beat me to it. good to see your still going! Last i heard Amakua was doing ok, tho that was a while ago, im actually in the process of writing an email to her, and will post an update on her asap. i remember you darkwillow, we never really talked as much as i would have liked, i was rather selfabsorbed. i have the dukes email, ill send him a mesage, have been meaning to do it for a long time but always felt like it would be a bother.
Hi Procel… It has been a while… nice to see you, my friend! If you get in touch with Ama, please let her know that I said “Hi.” I hope that Duke is okay. The last time I saw him was also ages ago.
actually, after just sending an email to the duke i got a postmaster reply of failure to deliver, as it was his actual email (had his actual name) im seriously worried about the implications
I think I’d be more worried if the email actually wen’t through but you didn’t get any kind of response.
Tell Amakua I said “Hi” 🙂
Always good to see you Procel 🙂
the only reason i can think for it not going through is that the account was decommissioned, and being the pessimist i cat help but think thats due to confirmation of his death. and that bothers me. I will indeed, if anyone was her match on here it was you, a battle ax and delicate touch. Its good to see you too brother. I saw your last post. sorry about the back trouble, tho its hard to stay sorry when i hear about the lovely missus you have! with regards to telling her about the importance of this place? tell her you help people, and that without you, people may very well die, you were born a saviour of man. after being unable to resist jumping your bones shes going to understand 😉
Relationship Procel :p
Hey P … I wouldn’t take a decommission of an email as confirmation … but more as a switched IP or a failure to pay the bill and keep the account open – I know this has happened to me more than a few times 🙂
My back/spine problems are a large part of why I came here in the first place – and no, it’s unlikely to ever get better … only worse. But you’re right about the GF/missus – she is awesome and she makes the pain more bearable 🙂 I actually did tell her about this site – indirectly – and spun it exactly as you said … without all the “savior” nonsense 😛 … but her being a woman … and as women can sometimes be … they want attention directed towards them … nothing inherently wrong with that, in fact, they deserve it 🙂 BUT it does limit the amount of time that I can spend on any one thing and unfortunately I do have to prioritize my time in the manner best to serve me … and her.
Not that I don’t want to spend more time here helping … but as you know, it is a time consuming endeavor and requires attention to details to be effective. Believe me, I miss analyzing and pondering each person’s situation and developing ad practical response for their issues – but most of my responses were not off the cuff or instantaneous … and as you know – we gotta take care of ourselves first – then after we are on solid ground, only then can we pay it forward.
So, it’s a balancing act – and people like you are there to pick up the torch and carry on where I had to take a step back – I have faith in ya 🙂
gymnastic dawg
@Dawg. the simple fact is u deserve to be appy. i know youve put in your time helpiing others, ive seen you in action on this sight, and im humbeled to say im one of the people you have helped. the fact is you have earened, not once, not twice but many times ove your shot at happiness. you take your missus, and you forget this place and treat her as she and you both deserve. ill pick up your slack around here, as much as any cheap knock off can :p seriously tho, uve gone above and beyond for this place, take your turn to enjoy life.