When life has tainted you, it’s permanent. No matter how hard you try to change or deal with whatever issues it caused it doesn’t go away, because it is now part of who you are. At least that’s the case with me I can’t necessarily speak for others when it comes to this. I was sexually molested as a child and growing up all through my life. Not constant but there were intermittent instances and only 2 were more serious cases. I try to ignore the fact that it happened I never really think of it and I continue with my life. But the truth is I’m damaged and no matter how far I try to run from it my whole life has some how been about sex. Like that is all that I exist for and it fucks with my mind. Who am I kidding though it’s all in my head I’m just over analyzing things and creating problems that don’t exist. I’m suffering again and I don’t know what the right thing to do is or if I do know then what I don’t is HOW to do it.
It’s not in your head, there is something wrong, really wrong in our society when an unimaginable number of boys and girls are being molested. This year I am really impressed with the number of cases I ‘ve read off, and it is awful.
Our society is sooo sick inside it is making us think sex is something it is not.
And it is everywhere. It’s so crazy.
Sorry about what you have been through. It is not you. It is also messing up with my mind…
It’s crazy
I’m sorry to hear about what you have gone through.
Our reality is indeed a product of our perspective which is shaped by our environment.
While some things cannot be undone, sometimes all we can do is add new memories which may then alter our future perspective.
Iti multumesc ca ne-ai impartasit un pic din lumea ta. Dar tu realizezi ca sunt oameni care nici macar un singur prieten sau prietena nu au? Care sunt totalmente uitati? Am vazut o femeie azi in autobuz care plangea, pe la 50 de ani asa..Nu avea nici macar o floare in mana si pe nimeni langa ea. Tu crezi ca ai o boala. Eu nu cred. Vrei sa fii bagata in seama iar ei vor sex. E un schimb. Eu daca vreau sex trebuie sa platesc (1 milion e tariful standard azi iar actul in sine nu dureaza decat vreo 5-10 min) ;;) . Deci..la munca nu? Ceea ce ai tu e cat se poate de normal in comparatie cu altii care nu au nimic. Iti doresc o viata frumoasa. Daca am fost insensibil iarta-ma. Sunt un pic frustrat si eu. Iar vin primavara si vara cu toti prostii..