The thing is, it’s not always a bright sunny day. It’s a good shot to make others feel better at least. Of course I want to help them also as far as I can. It’s a relief when you seem them years from now waving at me and having a priceless smile. It was worth it.
I know it was worth it.
But you know, as what I’ve told you, I’ve had troubles. One of the members in our family is depressed and I’m trying so hard to help her. She’s my sister actually. When I’m in the class, I don’t understand why we should not entertain the family as a client.
And now I clearly understand.
No matter how hard I try not to absorb it, it feels like a huge rock yanked in my back. It’s painful and unstoppable, you know. She keeps on doing me a favor and saying unpleasant words on me. At first, I want to treat that as a joke or nothing but the more I hear the words coming from her and how she treat my mother, the more I got awful and bad for myself and for my parents. She has a job now and I know that she’s still like that; depressed and I don’t know if saying trashy words and me and giving a shitty order on me is her way to improve herself. Because if it is, it’ll ruin me slowly.
1 comment
Hi Heyits: I had a hard time understanding your post. I am thinking English isn’t your first language. It sounds like your sister is depressed and abusing you and it is getting to you.
Is that what you are saying?