Hi. I really don’t know how to give advice but its seems like you just need someone you can comfortably talk to without being afraid of being judged. Are you feeling a little better after letting it out?
Thanks for replying. I honestly do not feel better, more like worse. I let all shit out to the only girl I’ve ever loved a few months back. I told stuff I havean’t told anyone and I don’t think I’d be able to say it if I hadn’t downed 6 beers before. Since opening up I havean’t heard from her since. Which makes me feel awful and regret everything.
Loneliness can hurt so bad, you can feel it physically. I relate. I am truly alone in life. An outsider. The loneliness and emptiness is painful. Try to make it through these feelings. Sometimes it passes. It usually comes back, but it does pass for a bit. It’s like this shitty life gives you a little breather before it makes you suffer again.
Hi. I really don’t know how to give advice but its seems like you just need someone you can comfortably talk to without being afraid of being judged. Are you feeling a little better after letting it out?
Thanks for replying. I honestly do not feel better, more like worse. I let all shit out to the only girl I’ve ever loved a few months back. I told stuff I havean’t told anyone and I don’t think I’d be able to say it if I hadn’t downed 6 beers before. Since opening up I havean’t heard from her since. Which makes me feel awful and regret everything.
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Loneliness can hurt so bad, you can feel it physically. I relate. I am truly alone in life. An outsider. The loneliness and emptiness is painful. Try to make it through these feelings. Sometimes it passes. It usually comes back, but it does pass for a bit. It’s like this shitty life gives you a little breather before it makes you suffer again.