I know I’m not exactly the most popular, the most interesting, the most insightful, or the most helpful. I know I don’t always post that often. I just wanted to thank everyone in the community for always being kind and considerate of me and thank those of you who read my posts, especially the ones that are so long they’re practically a novel. And thank everyone for their sharing themselves on this site and making me realize I’m not alone in this. I’m glad I have a place where I can share my feelings openly with people who can relate a little better than most. Stay cool, everyone.
Oh gosh stay cool like the snow
Nah, more like the polar ice caps. Snow doesn’t stay cool that long.
Yea i dose melt lol
It not only provides a place where we can share our thoughts and feelings, but it provides a place for us to not be alone. Sometimes it’s a word of comfort, sympathy or just hearing how someone else is dealing with the pain.
Hey there chelle,
Just wanted you to know that you are loved.