I’ve been giving up on everything. First it was a few missing homework assignments, then classes, now tests. I’m also slowly giving up on my hobbies and sports, too. What have I become to be? I cut myself, and starve myself, and now I’m giving up.
This is the shortest post I have made, but every time I read it, I cry every time.
I went through, well kinda still am going through a similar thing. It’s really hard and takes time to get back on the right track. Right now I’m struggling to keep up with my homework. Really you can’t start to get back on track till you want to and are willing to work. Right now I’m just barely getting through everything. But I get it. I know people say I get it but don’t but I am going through the same thing. And honestly I’m barely trying cause my life is hell and I’ve given up to. Best of luck. 🙂
Do you think there is anything that could happen to you or come into your life that would re-spark your desire to go on??
You sound overwhelmed. Take it one step at a time to figure your way out of it.