Call the police is all I can hear. Then I hear my older sister “should I call the police?” I’m stuck, in shock. Only five years old. I just watched my dad beat my mom to the ground, and now he is holding a heavy giant porcelain lamp over her head. I thought he was going to kill her. I was frozen. Scared. I don’t know what made him put the lamp down. I really don’t think he even heard the pleading and crying of my older sister because I don’t remember him looking over at us…
Seeing my dad beat up on my mom was not something uncommon. They were drunks. I lived at the bar with them. But this time has been burned into my brain. I cannot forget it and I find myself living over again time to time.
I’m 28 now l, and I suffer and have suffered for over 20 years from severe depression. It did not start with this moment. It was an accumulation of these types of event. I can remember being around five. My mom and dad went out drinking. I was at the house of the kid who is today my best friend. This was where I went if they didn’t feel like taking me to the bar.
I remember my dad calling and saying he was coming to pick me up. I begged my friend’s dad not to let them come get me. He said he couldn’t do that. I begged him to tell them I was sleeping. He refused and my dad came to the door to get me. I was balling my eyes out because I didn’t want to see my mom get beat again. I was scared. I couldn’t stop crying, and on the way out to our car, my dad told me “I wish I wasn’t your dad either”. I never in my short life wished he wasn’t my dad, and it hurt so bad to hear these words come from him. Why couldn’t he just ask what was wrong?
I think this is where my depression started, and the constant mental and verbal abuse that never ended ate at me…
Over the years I wore a mask everywhere I went. At one point I became severely depressed when I was a teenager. With My mom and dad having joint custody both parents needed to sign for consent of treatment. My dad refused, he didn’t believe in medicine. I stopped going to the psychiatrist and continued to wear the mask I’ve come so used to wearing. I continued to self medicate with pot which I started smoking on an everyday basis at the age of nine. I tried cocaine by eleven. Did Xanax in grade school, and started drinking when my mom and dad would let me pick out what kind of beer I wanted when I was six. The first time I tried cigs and a joint I was five, I just didn’t smoke them everyday till I was 9. By the time I was 14 I’ve tried everthing I could except heroine.
I was always so smart and I feel like I wasted it all. My teacher once told my mom I was a genius, I asked questions that no one else did, I aced my tests, I just never did homework. I wasted my life, I lost my way. I was always told I was full of tremendous amounts of potential…why didn’t anyone show me how to use it? Why have I wasted it all?
Like I said I’m 28 now. I have three kids of my own. Just a few weeks ago I had a major break down. I went blank . Felt no emotion and was at a point that my family would be better off without me. No one else but my wife new all the things that trouble me (not just the things I wrote about). Everyone was shocked to hear I’ve been hurting for do long and never said a thing. I was at a point where I was going to settle with my death. Nothing was going to keep me alive. My wife took me to the hospital and I was admitted to the psych ward.
I’ve always felt empty and alone. Everyone said sorry blah blah. But no one understands. I felt good when I got out of the hospital for a week or so. Now I’m scared because I can feel it creeping back. The feeling before I went to the hospital felt like my shoulders were chained to my feet, I could feel the depression reaching from my chest into my throat. Now unmotivated again and I know it’s not long until it comes back. I know this time I will not tell anyone because I know it will just keep coming back. I am worried because I know now that when this monster comes back I will end it without thinking twice.
It sounds like you have PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). You went through a lot of stuff that no one should have to endure and it’s left an indelible impression on you. Past events make us who we are today, and you’ve lived through trauma that continues to haunt you.
This is the part where I’m supposed to offer you sage words of advice.
I’ve got nothing, except ‘the past has already happened’. We can’t change what’s happened in the past, all we can do is accept that it occurred and try to move forward. That’s easier said than done, but hey, this is a free site and you get what you pay for. 🙂
Good luck, I wish you the best.
Morrison I appreciate your insight. Free, paid, none it’s all the same…If I’m looking for anything it’s understanding. No one around me understands my past or my current situation. Any one who says you just have to get up and do something just doesn’t understand what a mental illness like depression (or ptsd) does to you. Like you said it’s easier said than done, I definitely get that. I mean mine has become so bad it was physical (I lost 15 lbs in 2 months) I’m trying, I’m just so confused as to why I’ve been able to live with it for so long and now I just can’t shake it…now that I think about it I guess it just slowly ate at me until I broke (or I should say tape couldn’t hold it any more). I was so strong for so long but then again maybe the strength was apart of the mask that I lost. My wife told me how strong I was, and how proud she was that I got help…but in all reality I wouldn’t have got the help without her, I would have just seized to exist.