I’m starting to realize how much freaking effort it takes to start trying again, while still depressed and after having pretty much given up on life for a couple of months. My initial motivation was simply that I had nothing to lose, but that doesn’t really help me when I have to get up and commute to work despite feeling physically and mentally drained. It’s not as simple as having nothing to lose or taking it one day at a time. Eventually I will get tired and start asking myself “What’s the point,” and I don’t have a good answer. I still have no long-term goals. I still can’t regulate my emotions. I still don’t love anyone and doubt that I really want to. And I still really dislike myself.
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It does take a lot of effort. I get that. I don’t know what to say for fear of sounding fake but I will say you never know what life will throw at you, good or bad. Hold out for the good.