iam a failure in every sense of the word, but I don’t mind being a failure. Not everyone is capable of being successful but I don’t mind that. Iam happy working menial job but when you live with an abusive family who oppress you it is impossible to find peace of mind. The only way I can find it is to get some work and move out but I can’t do that. Iam incapable. Iam not allowed to get a job. I can’t go out. Iam like a pet dog tied up with chains who’s abused day and night. So the only way for happiness left for someone like me is death
I wonder if a lot of us can relate. I didn’t always appreciate this but if you have your health you have nearly everything. The feeling of safety is really important for mental health and mental health is a big part of being well. And you’d be amazed what passes for professionalism. People are not often self aware. This is a problem of course in a crisis. Could you ever stay with different relatives or at a shelter for a short period of time? Or do you have a friend who could maybe help you out of the situation? If you could have a page of resources maybe there is one thing could help. You deserve better that is clear. I’m so sorry.
Why are you incapable of getting a job? Do you have health issues? Getting a hold of money and independence of your family sounds like it would do a lot of good.
Money is not necessary for moving out. You can just run away, stay homeless, wander here and there. I see much more in this lifestyle but at the very least it is better than suicide.
A job can tie you down to a certain place and maybe prolong your suffering if you live in a negative space. You must take care of yourself first it is hard to run from what you know but we need shelter ( safety ) first , water then food. Don’t give up! we tend to let others bring us down and that lowers our own self worth— you sharing your pain is a start! our pain makes us stronger than the haters!