Isn’t the model for the five stages of grief outdated? Like it’s a bit more complex than that and the order isn’t even really set, right? I’ve felt anger and sadness already. Denial and bargaining also might have been experienced. I started to donate again to that little food pantry thing by the school. I did it because “I felt like doing something nice.” In actuality, I knew that I did it because a part of me hopes that if I do something good it would do good by me. Bargaining I think. Am I calm now because I’m in denial? Like I know this is going to be a car crash, but I’m ok with it? But I really think that things are going to be ok? Denial? Or have I already reached acceptance? I don’t know.
Do you know that feeling when you did something that you thought was fine, but then when you thought about it some more you realized you made the same mistake again? Like the exact same one. I do it a lot with school and my career and stuff, but I still have my blind spots. In the sense that it’s not a mistake I usually make, but still a mistake none the less. Don’t think any of the stuff I’m saying makes any sense. I guess all I’m trying to say is that I’m really tired of this cycle we call life. But I imagine everyone here feels the same way.
Oh yeah, five stages of grief is definitely an entry level understanding/model. Now with trauma informed being the vanguard, I don’t think there even is something simple enough to explain in stages like that. Trauma happens, then grief and that’s if things are working correctly. Then maybe the five stages, not always in order.
I’m so beyond burnt out on the social sciences, so when I talk about something with established research I find bile rising in the back of my throat.
Glory days….. that’s the post I didn’t have the energy for tonight how it seems like all of us are caught up in who we were, those glory days when it seemed like it was all going to work
Psychology, that’s my white whale. Specifically I wanted to specialize in end of life care, morbid right? So when we talk about the same feeling as before, the same mistakes, yeah. It’s just like when I was growing up, I’m always facing the music, or defying authority, either way making waves I shouldn’t be.
Meanwhile here’s me, caught up in glory days that never were. It was an almost career. That’s why I act out, just as an FYI. It’s why I’m such an unpleasant person at times. It’s because I came within a hair of a career……. now I’m just another bum sitting around talkin bout glory days.
I’m tired of life too. So, I definitely hear you there.