You say suicide is selfish , but your the one who caused me mental and physical pain. You say you want me to be happy… but then you call me a whore and a worthless piece of shit.. and you expect me to just forget about that. You say your not calling me names your just saying how it is, saying i’m an immature freshman, and that killing myself is ridiculous and i shouldn’t joke about it and you feel bad for me. But you think i’m joking , i’m not the immature one you are , i’m not saying i want to commit suicide for you and everyone else too feel bad for me. You have an easy life.. try being a perfect daughter and that’s still not good enough for your parents, i cry myself to sleep every night and when i build myself back up , you break me down, you say you care about me , but when i talk to you , you call me an attention whore, what your saying hurts and leaves permanent scares that will never heal, i’m tired of being called worthless , i’m tired of being called gross, i’m tired of people’s lies and bullshit , and i’m tired of people being rude and cruel too me when i did nothing to them, you say suicide is a joke, and selfish, but people like you cause people like us too do this, and when we do it , it’s only then when you care, i don’t know how people can say these things to someone , it might make them feel good but sure as hell doesn’t make them a better person , and when i do commit suicide or someone else does just realize that it was because of people making them feel not good enough and worthless .
suicide is not selfish, suicide is a human reaction that any human would get when their pain outweighs their coping strategies.
I wonder who in your life says such hurtful, hateful, things to you?
to the Guardian… ~ an ex.. he told me that every day he is going to remind me how much of a fuck up i am
suicide is not selfish its cowardly no offense but it the ease way out of our problems you need to be strong in the face of darkness, its the way we make it through that makes us who we are, people will always bring you down but its what you do about it that makes you stronger than your oppressor and trust me i have been in your postion.
I don’t believe it’s selfish nor cowardly. It’s our means to an end. Think of it like this. Is it selfish for ending it knowing who we are leaving behind. Knowing who we are hurting. Knowing all the pain and anguish we are trying to get away from. Or is it selfish for society to mute us of our thoughts with meds. I agree some are depressed and want or need help. Others like myself just know that society and humanity are just a nasty creature. Most looking out for themselves and nobody else’s well being. I myself don’t want to die but I want off this rock, apace we call earth. Away from all the negativity the media and the government wants us to see. They don’t show us the boy that walked granny accross the road for a reason. Instead they show us the boy that Ronny granny over walking through the cross walk. So really whose the selfish ones? The people that want to end it all to get away from the corruptness or everybody else for forcing us to live with it?
@traptsoul that is assuming everyone values becoming a stronger person and that hardships will always work in this direction
some people haven’t felt like life is worth it in years, or have lost everything (from their pov) and you can’t tell them suicide is a cowardly thing to do
“So really whose the selfish ones? The people that want to end it all to get away from the corruptness or everybody else for forcing us to live with it?”
funny thing
we’re told and expected to fight the ‘evil’ in this world .. make the world a better place and all that BS .. it’s all BS because people love to blame the gov, the illuminati etc and we will disregard how we’re contributing to this world evilness
when you choose to scorn that homeless person
when you can’t refrain yourself from fucking your good friend’s partner
when someone’s being bullied and your ***** ass decides to jump on the bandwagon ..
isn’t that your little -yet- significant contribution to this world sickness ?
make this world a better place my ass
TBT. I can’t say I’ve done Any if those things since I’ve been out on my own before my 16th birthday. I can say I have contributed hundreds of jobs in this country I’m in off not thousands. I’ve seen a homeless guy on the street and taken him/her out for a meal and a chat to get stuff off there chest. Why because not everybody is on the street because they want to be, yes some are. I’ve lived on them at forty below. What Does the government do to help in this country much less world or any other country. They brainwash society into thinking they are helping but really they are abusing everybody. Why do you think the world is getting to where it is financially. It sure as hell isn’t because of John F Q paying his taxes and bullshit. It’s because they abuse the fact they have as much money as they need or want. The blow a fuck of alot more than anybody will ever know. Have you heard of the buildaberg group, if not look them up. See where this world is heading. I feel ive given it a fair share if not more into this world. in a hell of alot more ways than I’m sure some people can say. All we can do is try our best to help ourselves along with everybody else. We can’t help everybody but if we can help a few people really how much more can we ask. At least weve tried. I try to be nothing but positive in my life. Some days it’s hard but I still try. If we all would give a little it would be better but again in that aspect we can only make sure us as individuals do our part. We can’t worry about how John F Q treats somebody else.