Im sorry. I’m not the son my father wishes I could be, or the daughter my mother deserves. I have been, and always will be the second choice because I AM NOT GOOD ENOUGH. I’m not kind enough, not smart enough for my boyfriend, not strong enough for every one and their hardships, not popular enough, not worth enough. I’m not worthy of you guys- all of you are so courageous and talented and intelligent and thoughtful. I don’t deserve you- and besides, you all have each other. You don’t need me- You all have each other. No one ever has, and I just need to come to terms with this. I cannot tell you how much you have all affected me for the better, and I send endless hugs to all of you. I would name each of you that I love, but there are too many of you. I think this may be one of my last posts- you all don’t deserve to deal with this mess heh. No one does. And besides, I failed each and everyone of you yesterday- I cut again. And again and again. And I’m so sorry. I will always strive to be more like you all, my loves. I don’t think this world really needs me anymore- and I think I might bid it goodbye soon. Again , I send endless love to each and everyone of you. Good luck out there- you all deserve to live lives brimming with love and life and to be stupidly, crazily happy. Thank you loves.
You should listen to Good Enough by the Serial Killaz. I’m posting a link, check the comments in moderation…
You seem like a nice person, don’t be so down on yourself. 🙁 Everybody has flaws, it’s no reason to hate yourself. Anything you don’t like, you can try to improve, or practice self-acceptance. Personally, I know I’ll never be the kindest, most considerate, most intelligent, or funniest person out there, but I don’t really care – because I can only be me, not anyone else. 😉 – Good Enough
Thank you for the song 🙂 The problem is, I have tried. I have tried so hard that I have given away every piece of myself in order to grow into something better. Maybe I just need to try harder…
Uou don’t live for others you live for yourself and of course we need you (damn that’s sound selfish) i mean you belong here, you give so much positivity to this place!
I can’t imagine how important and special you must be to your family and boyfriend, because you’re already so special to us here. You are so, so worthy of us and I just hope we’re all worthy of you. You haven’t let anyone down by cutting. I’m sure there are people who feel that need you, and there are also people who *want* you. I’m one of them. I hope you don’t go anywhere. You have the ability to spread hope and happiness despite your pain and ours, which (though it’s more difficult) means you have the ability to learn to find those feelings within yourself. Don’t believe those thoughts about you not being strong or kind or smart enough. You are enough of everything. You’re a candle in the darkness and when you feel bad I will do everything I can to keep the light burning for you. You can do this. I also feel like I’ve been pulled backwards the past few days and there’s been so much pain and so many suicidal thoughts. You were one of the people to help and I’ll always appreciate that. I hope you know how much I admire you, and I hope that helps just a little.
I don’t know you but I feel your pain. I’m not really in the position to give you any advice though you sound like a compassionate person who deserve a much better life. Pardon me but I ask you to stay a bit more for the sake of people you love and care for on this site. You are worthy and you are loved. Sending a big hug you way
Hey! Hey, wait! TaDB, my freaking teddy bear! Where are you going? Can’t you see that you are loved and admired and cared about by soo many people here. You always know just what to say, to make people smile, to ease the pain for a while… Who will I give my endless hugs to when you leave? Who will amuse us with their mastery of the pun? You belong here. You manage to believe in us, when we can’t believe in ourselves. Please don’t leave… You are like a part of my inner circle here. It’s like you are a part of my SP class, you came online about the same time I did… You mean so much to me, to all of us, and we love you… I love you… So stay, just a little longer :'(
You bring brightness to this site, come on do you really think any one else would have posted the punny pages? That made me laugh a lot, and I bet it did for others too. It’s ok that you screwed up, everyone does, you just have to keep trying with the rest of us. You deserve as much happiness as the others here, you have enough strength to make it, I know you do.
Take a Deep Breath,
I enjoy your post well written!!! HA HA! Everyone has problems on here! Your not alone!! Example: People like me try to give advice to people with problems that’s what’s keep me going! With out you I will surely die, I have everything ready to kill myself but! It stays in the closet, as long as I keep busy thinking about others, I don’t complain much, but it’s not like my life is a bed of roses 🙂 so keep on keeping on! You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around that’s what’s it’s all about!!!
When you posted about human kindness, that made me think, and I was nice to the saleswoman at the store and I smiled at people because of it. You have resonance, your kindness reverberated out into the real world with just one simple post. You have so much power and you don’t even realize it. I hope you can stay and share more of your absolute loveliness with us.
I’ve never been asked to stay anywhere before. Being around you all, people who understand… it’s very shiny, new. I’ve hated myself since second grade and it’s very difficult for me to think I can make a positive difference. Lord knows I want to. I… I don’t want to be a burden. And in one way or another, I have lost so many friends that I have loved and seen grow into beautiful people, and I don’t want to loose any of you. It would be more than I could bear.
It might take time to believe but we’ll keep reminding you until you do. 🙂