Did I do something wrong? I offered a homeless man some support. I asked him if he’d like some money for a meal or anything and he rudely declined my offer and gave me a scowl. I wasn’t pitying him. I just thought it was hot out today and i knew it was hot because i was out in the heat too riding my bike to work. It feels kinda shitty when you try to be a good person and it turns out you just made someone upset. I ain’t mad at the guy but I feel kinda lost. I thought it was good to spread positivity. I wasn’t thinking any less of him. I have actually been there myself so I most certainly know how hard it can be to get back on your feet. I just remember being in his shoes and how rough it was but i suppose it’s a pride thing for some. Maybe i should only offer help to those who look like they are searching for it. I can understand. I just feel a little ashamed for my actions.
hmm no, you didn’t do anything wrong. But what do we know what the homeless guy was going through?! Its alright, he might have been in a bad place too. Forgive him.
You should not feel ashamed. You reach out to a fellow human in need. His refusal of your offer has nothing to do with you personally. Maybe if it was three hours later and he was hungry he would’ve been happy to see you.
It was probably just his momentary mood or a persona he attaches himself… sword and shield… ?otherwise maybe he just didn’t like you or something about you…Dunno but funny topic
It also might have been that you addressed his need instead of him.. could be he figured you saw someone to help instead of just him as a person, and did see that offer as a type of pity though you didn’t mean it as such.