So, I have self confidence and self esteem issues and I’ve recently been looking for a job. This would be my first professionally employed thing and I can’t seem to gain the confidence to apply anywhere. I’ve managed to ask for applications and fill them out decently with only a few mild anxiety attacks but can never turn them in. A lot of this is centered around a fear of rejection mostly, but I also have problems talking positively about myself or “selling myself” like I would have to in an interview or on applications. I either fill things out as honestly as I feel […]
Positive Psychology
This is a link to a scene from Moulin Rouge, Elephant Love Medley
I normally hate anything happy, but this is much more than puppies and sunshine happiness.
It has depth, and it carries with it a degree of emotion and story depth that I didn’t think was possible to fit into 4 and a half minutes
I was impressed with it, even awed by it, and I wanted to share it with all of you.
Feel free to comment, and include more links to songs you love if you wish!
I’ve been spending the last few days with relatives. You know, for the holidays. I gotta say I’ve been having fun. Maybe it’s because the burdens of my MDD feel lighter. It’s quieted because I’ve accepted my suicide. I’m happier because I know in about two weeks I’m going to be gone. I know this happiness can’t last and once they leave it’ll all be back. But I’m at peace with my decision. I’m just happy to be done with the world and my failure of a life.
Fellow Sufferers:
I’ve lived with Bipolar Type 2 since I was 12 years old. It is a form of manic-depression in which you don’t usually have psychotic problems, but you do have major mood swings — mild “ups” (hypomanias) followed by normal periods, and then crushing depressions.
I was not diagnosed until my middle forties. I attempted suicide three times in my early twenties. I still have sporadic suicidal ideas when I go through bad periods in my life. I’m nearly sixty now.
Since Bipolar Type 2 is genetic, it pervaded my family. My childhood was not good, to put it very mildly.
I know that when you are […]