I’ve suffered from post tramatic stress disorder for the past 13 years of my life. And only 2 of those years, I’ve acually been getting some suport through councelers and meds. I’m 19 and I live with my only friend in the world. I have no family and no other friends to support me. I’m broke, job-less and running out of time. For the past month, I have been applying and dropping off resumes everyplace close by, and still I am waiting. I owe my friend and his brother $325.00 for rent and bus pass money. If I don’t get a job soon, I’ll be kicked out for the 2nd time this year (first being kicked out of my dad’s place.) I’m still greving over losing my girlfriend. I have trouble sleeping at night with my meds. My meds cause me to feel light-headed, tired with headaches, direrria, fevers. I have bad dreams. I’m scared to leave the appartment. I can’t face people anymore. The only reason I have ptsd is cause of all the childhood beatings, sexual assaults and negeltic from my mom and other people around me. This is only a small portion of my life but thats all I can type right now. I’m too tired, and I can’t take it anymore. I don’t know what will happen to me in the continuing days, but I hope they turn on a more positive note.
Feeling depressed is ok. Everyone feels depressed. Suicide isn’t the answer. Going to a doctor or seeing a therapist will help you. Me and many other people know how you feel and there is always someone else who has it worse than you. I hope you feel better and get help. Stay strong.
i think that you are so brave. you have been through so much and must feel so alone and yet courage comes from every word you have typed. i believe in you to stay strong and to find some way out. please try to love yourself even just a little. you are worth so much more than you give yourself credit for.