Truth, I’m here for a school project of my choice. Truth, I may have caused an attempted suicide and I fell for the friend who’s father shot himself on christmas…his life’s fucked up. Truth, I have nothing to complain about, I don’t get raped, I have two parents(stepdad but whatever) that love me and feed me and give me a roof over my head, I don’t live in a thrid world country, I’m going to get a higher education, and yet scary thoughts or thinking of lame relationships get me down…some memories or places trigger depression yet i havent been diagnosed…i guess i don’t need to be and id hate to put my parents through trouble, ive already been to counseling for cutting in 7th grade (freaked my mom out), but i compare myself to others on this sit or people i know in person…and yet…still, this feeling that i’m nothing. sorry for wasting valuable internet space for people with real problems, truth is i’m just here for school…and maybe some self-discovery
A lot of people seem to have the misconception that to be depressed you have to have some extremely traumatic experience in your past or going on in your life. Many of us have proved it isn’t true. You’re never wasting space or air or words or pixels. We all have something important to say and some kind of pain we need to share 🙂 Anything you want to talk about?
I do not know anyone who is perfect.
And your pain and concerns are your pain and concerns..
You should feel free and comfortable to express them without people trying to trivialize them.
Some will but some of us will just listen.
You are not wasting space.
Welcome to the site and share how you feel.
Some of us are just programmed for depression regardless of life experiences.
Maybe talking about it will help you overcome yours or at least lessen the pain.
@ Lily, thanks for your view, but I still think loads of people have it harder than me.
@U.N. Owen, maybe, I thought typing would help, I’m really shy in the real world so it’s not like I can rant to my friends about just anything, plus I’m sure they’d alert my parents.
If typing does ease your pain by all means do it as much as you can when you are comfortable.
Hope you are feeling better.