Well. I’m only fifteen, and already I want my life to end. Ever since I was eight years old, my life has been a mess. My parents divorce was the spark of everything. I’ve been depressed for seven years, but the past two years it’s been hitting me hard. Every night I cry, wanting it to end. I use to pray to God to kill me in my sleep or to let me have at least one good day. I got neither, and gave up my faith. I wake up every morning, wondering why I even bother getting out of bed. I can’t find one reason to keep living. Not one. My legs are covered in scars, my left wrist has five cuts that I did recently. I’m so terrified that depression is going to completely take over my body completely, and leave me with nothing at all. There is nobody I can go to. I have two friends who have depression and have attempted suicide before. I mean yeah, they’d understand. But when you’re dealing with this, you don’t want somebody to push their problems on you. I asked my Dad to get me into therapy, he said we’ll see after the first of the year. It’s January 16th. He won’t even talk about it with me anymore. He knows about the suicide attempt, the self harming, everything. But he doesn’t care. Nobody does. I feel like I could disappear and nobody would care. They’d be happy I’m gone. Nobody would notice. People don’t notice that I’m alive now. Theres just no point in living anymore.
Katie, I’m 15 too. I’ve only been suicidal for about 2 years though. However, I care about you and so does everyone else. I use to talk to God every night and ask him to kill me also. Then, when that didn’t work, I decided that God wanted me to live and grow from this experience. He wanted me to teach people about how to cope with suicidal thoughts along with to spread the word of His life and His teachings. I really just want you to know that I am here for you, and as much as you may hate life now and believe it won’t get better, it will, but you need to accept as much help as possible, even if it’s not professional help. I encourage you to email me at farmerstrong13@hotmail.com. I’d love to talk to you. You seem like a really bright person.
Slow little one!
Hold your horses!
Not so fast!!
I hope & wish nothing but the best for you. I also hope that your parent decided to get u some professional help.
May god speed
Us lefties are closer to grace than to God. Grace is life lived in the shadow of death; the longer you survive it, the more graceful you become. I hope you have a lot of very graceful years ahead because there is every point in living.
I’m by no means a expert in depression and suicidal patterns, but your story interests me because you say nobody will care if you just disappear. However, you mention of having friends which I assume would make your life worth living for….unless these friends you are talking about are really not your “true” friends. I think you need to surrond yourself with friends who are not so negative about life. And when life sucks, just do something you enjoy. I too have been in a similar situation as yourself except for the parents divorcing part. I had my own methods of trying to kill myself (eg. poisoning myself) and praying to god to kill me in my sleep. I too have lost a lot of faith that god exists and cares for us….however, at the end of the day we just need to battle on. Nobody said life is fair. Nobody said life is easy. Life has its many uphill and downhill battles, but it definitely is worth living for. Your only 15 years old! You need to be patient for the good things that will happen later in life. You did not explain in good detail what caused your depression, but if it has to do with the inconsiderate peers at your school, trust me….junior high and highschool kids are immature. Wait till university/colleage and those so called “cool” kids will be made fun of for acting so immature. You will find a marked difference in attitudes and may be able to get along with a good set of friends. Afterall, why would you want to associate yourself with a “cool” kid who probably doesn’t even study and have a uneventful life. Heck, they may look up to you in the future. And, never ever let god go. You must acknowledge that many people in the bible suffered much more than you have and had to wait 30+ years to finally be blessed. God has not forgotten you. Your time will come.
Katie I know you are a minor but is there any way you can go get yourself checked in for therapy?
Sad that your Dad will not take you. Might be hard for him to admit to.
I hope you and both of your friends get someone who can help you.
Try a school counselor or even and emergency room at a hospital.
Maybe the nearest mental health center.
It’s your choice but at 15 you need counseling. Someone who knows family systems theory. You’re carrying and you’ve internalized your parents crap. So you never had a chance to figure out who you are and be you and simply have a childhood. No wonder you want to die. The child inside all of us is our spirit…without that, life is not life…that’s the real essence of you. It stinks but that’s the work of recognizing how you’re enmeshed in your parents junk which has nothing to do with the splendid gal you are. You just haven’t had the opportunity of meeting her cause you were wondering about them and your own survival. It was their job to nurture and love you unconditionally. When children are around combative parents…it rocks their world.
Check out the clips on youtube by John Bradshaw called ‘Homecoming’ Good luck!
Hi, honestly I know how you feel. I’m only 16 and turn 17 this year. I also don’t have many friends left… Even though my family may “love” me, for personal reasons I try to distance myself. I just don’t care. Anyway, I don’t know what to say. I can’t even help myself, and I never did have enough balls to commit suicide. Nor will I say shit gets better, because nothing ever does for me. I don’t live, just survive. I don’t tell anyone about how I feel except for a very few select friends. When I’m older I plan on seeing a therapist, maybe. I don’t know what I’m trying to say, what my point is, or what I’m doing. Life just sucks…