i havent been on here in so long, i forgot about how sad i was until i read all of these posts i put up. i came back for one reason and one reason only, to say goodbye to this website. i dont need it anymore 🙂
i have the guy of my dreams, my mother and me are happy, and im just happy. i dont cry as much anymore i mean, i still do but thats either period related or just missing my daddy. but im happy
so i over came my suicide. my dark moments filled with pain and sadness. gone, all the pain is FINALLY GONE.
i no longer dream of my death,
im going to college! Ă‚ im going to live my life with the guy i love and hopefully we will have our family one day
i used to say i was better off dead, but no i realize its ok to get over your head sometimes and get sad and discouraged and just feel like the world hates you, but it all goes away. it really does go away
no longer over my head no longer better off dead
i can smile now. i can live my life without the fear of dying
this is my moment. college, marriage, family, all along with my career in photography and art 🙂
my scar’s are still there but they remind me that i am strong enough to get through ANYTHING.
nothing can stop me or stand in my way!
to the people who were kind to me on this website and who made me smile, Thank You!
to everyone who is on here suffering, crying, and wanting to die. DONT
its all going to be ok, Ă‚ i know it will.
this is my email Cvampirebaby@aol.com
if anyone feels lost and scared, or feels like they are on the break of death, please email me, if i can make it though this, then i know you can to.
Thank You Again Everyone,
time to go and finally be happy 🙂
1 comment
I am so happy for you! I know I’ve never talked to you before, but I’m glad you found a way out. Good luck to you!