I am trying to hold on but don’t know why. My mom died when I was 9, my dad has never really been in my life & raised by my grandma & grandpa, they both passed a long time ago. I literally have no family & 4 years ago my life changed forever. It had been 11 years together and was so in love when I found my ex-husband. I was married once before and had one son, but we were too young and I thought thats was love was until I met my ex. He raised my son as his own and really gave me everything, but that was not what mattered, I realized thats was love was and felt like, then four years ago my world ended. In less than a period of a years time, the love of my life blindsided me and told me he didn’t want to be with me anymore. I was so trusting and never suspected anything but he was having an affair with my friend who was married with 3 kids and lived 3 houses down the street. He denied anything but feelings, but not the case. This was our friends that for 10 years we all went camping, riding, lake trips and one day after I left moved into my house with him, while walking out on her 3 kids & husband still living down the street. I was crushed, this man told me always we would grow old together & 2 months before breaking up we were trying to have a baby. I had just had 2 miscarriages and we were still trying. Then while trying to survive the heartbreak of that, my only child, my son, the only unconditional love in my life died. My ex’s family always told me that they were my family knowing that I had grown up with no family of my own. The day after my sons funeral was the last I ever heard anything from them. The “friends” we had that were part of all those family trips and who lived on the same street as well quickly made decisions to not talk to me as well but continue being friends with my ex & her now together even thought saying what they did was so wrong. I never asked them to choose me over them, instead just thinking they were still friends to me, but I guess not. If anyone had maybe just once wrote,emailed even left a message saying “hope your ok” or something would have meant so much. My son was my life and all I had and it was all taken from me. I keep trying to wake up every day but it only gets harder. I have seen doctors, tried every medicine for depression, but nothing helps. I always think maybe if someone breaks into my house at night, I hope they kill me & end my pain or maybe a car will hit me. I know ways to end my life, but am scared of pain and all the painless ways are really hard to get a hold of. I cry every day just wanting to be with my son, trying to understand how people can be so cruel, being the good guy does not pay. In my life, the ones that lie, hurt others, have no remorse or feelings are the ones who have it all and are happy. My heart is so empty and broken I just can’t see living how many more years like this, I can’t handle the pain.
I’m so so sorry for your pain.:( I can’t even imagine losing a child.i’m 19 now,i don’t have any kids of my own,but my younger half brothers are like sons to me,i can’t imagine how devastating it would be to lose them. my mom died when I was little too,my dad had a string of girlfriends and i had various different step moms and I was abused. getting through all of that was horrible and I never thought I would survive. I felt like I was completely alone and no one loved me,from about 5 years old on. i’m always here if you want to talk okay? please don’t give up. in my darkest hour I always think of my mom and how she would want me to live and be happy. I know your mom and son want the same for you. i’m always here for you okay? if you ever want to talk. the people are really nice,we’re all here for you. your not alone.i look in the mirror and see my mom everyday,I know she’s up in heaven and that I’ll see her again someday.you’ll see your son too.:) i think right now using our lives to help others who are going through similar things is the most amazing gift. please don’t give up.
Maybe try and make new friends join a group for parents who lost their kids get some support it’s only natural for you to grieve don’t be so hard on your self.you’ve just got to pick up the pieces and keep heading forward.it sad that people have stuck by your ex husband what a moron I could never understand why people do that to each other my heart goes out to you if I was there I’d give you a big hug…now you have to make some changes but nothing too big untill you finish grieving…try and get a routine together and maybe a pet a cat or a dog when I went through a really bad patch I got a cat and I lived for her it got me through not only that she gave me the love and attention I needed to get me through maybe go rescue one from a shelter but just don’t give up things will improve you will see my email in the comments thread feel free to email if you want to good luck and hold onto hope…
Thank you for your comment… I see you are 19, my son just turned 18 when he died and it’s funny cause the ones that have been there & cared are all of his friends! I thought that my ” so-called friends” who were all around my age or older & parents themselves who know the horrible pain i’m in losing my baby, but there the ones that I have never heard from. I say “young” people because I know from my son that you actually have lives, are always on the go,etc but they have been so great to me, they have been the only ones who have cared about me enough to still cal or text or ask if i’m ok. He had such wonderful friends! I know what you say about my son wanting me to continue to live & try to be happy but I struggle with I will only be happy again to be with him, he always told me and his friends he had to always take care of me & even if he left for college, I would go & live where he was going to school, we were really close. I can only now know I will never see him grow up, get married, me becoming a grandma..those dreams are never going to be for me or him. I was suppose to go before him he had his whole life to live. Its this horrible empty space inside me now with him gone, all I can do is look at pictures to see his face, I miss him so much I just don’t know what to do anymore
i know it’s absolutely devastating to lose someone you love. my uncle died three years ago and we were really close too. i know it’s not exactly the same,but after he died i just felt empty and lost. everyday i felt like i was living on the outside looking in,everyone else seemed to be doing just fine but i was completely numb inside. my uncle was sick,so i was relieved in a way when he passed because his pain ended,and i know its different with your son. but speaking about grief,i really believe there is no way around it but through. he is with you though,always. i journal to my mom and uncle,like letters. i don’t think you should quit talking to our son either. tell about your day,the pain your going through,and how much you miss him. ask him what he thinks you should you do.i think you’ll realize in your heart what he would say to you in those moments. please don’t give up and keep talking to us. also,about your friends dropping the ball,i’m so sorry.:( you really do learn who your real friends are when bad things happen.:( but they might just not know how to help. sometimes people shy away from situations like this when someone they care about is in so much pain,because they don’t know what to do to help. i went through the haze,it was like everyday after my uncle died i just went through the motions. but slowly,one day at a time,i started to thaw. now when i think of my uncle(which i do all the time) i remember how beautiful he was,and all the happy memories i have of him. your in my prayers.