i have been thinking,i know im to smart for my own good,i woulda never survived through the shit i did if i didnt know how to save my self from dieing of in my case anything,my life is shit,i live hours away from anyone im related to , and they are the shittiest people, the ones that abused me, starved me treated me inhumane till i was 17 wen i was finally taking away perminetly,still haveing attatchment issues and trust issues,vulnerable and always ran into someone that would say they care but hurt me and brake every promis possible,untill i realized, i dont have a place on this earth,mabey at first people love me, but they always abandond me,always made me colder,untill my heart was just a frozen chunk a ice,never really got theripy for my trama, and i never talked or told anyone about any of it, except for one person, she cared about me so much, she was like a mom figure, and thats the only person i ever told,i actually left some stories out because i just couldnt talk about them but besides that, mostly everything,i have a couple ideas, i have decided i have to work my ass off to plan it because it will happen soon,i have the perfect plan,and i aint gonna tell anyone on here what it is, cause i dont know how safe this website is,but it is fucking genius,theres not alot of people that pull this stunt,i always here the usaual,someone died from, over dose, hanging, suffication,slitting,and all that,,,, but this,theres no chance of me suviveing, and the other stunt is just something that would get you on unsolved mistries,it may seem wrong, but to know you finally got a one way ticket out of this life,
You are kind of living like dead, transformed, not the supposed good could be allowed again any closer by your wall of suspicion, and of your determined mind of seeking revenge or justice.
And you are like clasping a dagger 24-hour at hand, who else dare not to creep their way thinking one day to be stabbed !
However that you are not showing any attempt to go back to the same river (your family or persons related) to fish out again or to get trophy, so here is an approach for you to think of…
You know you should have been dead from that torturing family, but you’re still wanting an explanation “why tortured me”.
There’s someone here when 10, allured a child of nearly aged 3 out, tortured and killed him and created a national uproar.
He has done and served his time in confinement, but the people especially the authority of the loathed still wanting to crucify him forever.
And his real name and details are taboo to relate, so you have to read and google that out.
Since, both of you are in search of forgiveness and relief out of the ordinary circumstances not applicable, I think you both better have a talk, as if between the killer and the killed, to see if you two can find some answer in peace.
As if “Interview with the Vampire”.
You could never know from the vampire’s point of view if not even a vampire there to be found.
And the victim is never gonna have their chance to settle anyway if however dead.
are you saying im a killer like him or something?i would pass out before i could kill someone, and i couldnt ever kill myself,im to much of a chicken,i dont really hurt people, i just push them away,not phisically push them if you know what i mean,people aint trustable,everyone i know is plain mean,and anyone who would hurt an innocent 3 year old is sick,atleast hurt someone your own size so they have a chance to fight back,and i am not in search of forgiveness, i will never forgive the emence amount of damage people cause me,
what the hell is fireflieslite trying to say ??