Dont know what this day will take me ,Dont know if ill see that sunlight with the newyork lights for another day. After midnight everything is up to your dreams but what if the dream visions me not being able to sleep nor see. Maybe ill sit by the bridge waiting for my world to ended or maybe ill think of ending it standin on the edge prepare to die ..
Every time I go to bed (not sleep, that was so long ago I did that), I hope that when the morning comes I am gone. But I am still here, and the pain is as vivid as the day before.
I hope you hang on
Ill try to hang on, but enough is enough a person can only handel so much 🙁
I know, I feel exactly the same. Have tried to kill myself 5 times now, overdoses. Given up on that and will use the next fool proof method.
There is only so much pain a person can handle, feels like nobody takes that seriously.
I understand nobody does but I think there could still be a way out even if its for a while because if there wasnt why will we still be alive ?