I started cutting in 5th grade. I always thought of trying to commet suicide but I was always to scared to try because i thought how will my parents feel ? When i got in the 6th grade things got worse I moved to a new town and my parents got divored and I didnt know anyone in this town, but i knew one person and they knew me to but not in a good way. It all started on facebook I met him and he looked cute but I never met him in person so I thought I would lie to my friends and tell them I was dating him until one of them asked him how me and him were doing. When I started going to his school we told every one I was a slut and a whore and a druggy. So i couldnt take it so I started cutting. They don’t know how much that hurt me! Then later that year other guys started saying I was pregnant , but I was still a virgin. So the cutting got worse and noticable and they asked me if I was emo and i told them no but they didnt believe me so they told them I had sex with them and gave them aids. Later that night I tryed commeting suicide i cut my wrists really deep and I got scared I didnt know what happend and as I was doing that I thought finnaly it will be over and I wont have to live like this anymore but sadly i didnt suceed. Now in 7th grade I thought things were great my life was going good I made new friends , good grades, and have a boyfriend. I thought good thing i didnt suceed. But later on in the year my friends started turning on me my “bestfriend” is calling me a slut and a whore because i dumbed my boyfriend. So i started cutting again and it was even more noticable i had one big “X” on my arm. That girl she had a boyfriend now that is a dick he says i have herpys nd aids and that i am a nasty whore that sits on the corner but i cant get any one cuz in dirty. That got me so depressed so i tryed to commet suicide again but a different say …… i tryed hanging my self but before I almost sucseeded my parents found me. Now I am the class slut ….. suposely I date soooo many guys and then have sex with them then dump them! My grades started to drop to all “F” and my parents grounded me and would not stop yelling at me and i couldnt take it but when they found out I started cutting they wouldnt let me touch or hold anything sharp they made me go to a mental hospital. Now that im back nothing is differnt im even more depressed and i just want to die …….. and I dont know what to do anymore…………….
If you can change schools again……
I would but all the schools around my area no me and that im a “whore” and my parents dont know what is going on well they do but they dont believe me