My parents dont give a shit about me, or how I feel about anything. Only that I get good grades. If i get any less than a A they scream and shout at me and take away the only things I enjoy-My xbox, and laptop. I only enjoy these, because when I play games I can escape to another world. I have tried to kill myself three times already… One time one of my parents saw me trying and didnt even bat an eyelid. They couldnt have cared less. The only people I care about in the world are my friends.. And even they are starting to turn on me. Fuck my life. Goodbye world. You gave me a hard time, but finally I am escaping.
Ohhh welcome…..parents can be such shits.i use to endure backhands on a daily basis.yoi sound young and i wont bullshit you things at yer age are rediculiously rough…
.how did ur parent catch you??? Did thay realy know what was happening….its odd today is my first day on such a site.and as much as i pray for death every day your stories hurt the hell out of me.i myself realy cant wait to die and i sleep next to the most precious thing ever…my a strong person the only thing that broke me was my stuped heart..please b strong cuz i have a feeling you have a lot of friends and sometimes thay can be better than family because thay dont judge as much.hang in there friend.and i mean that word FRIEND!!!!were all in the same shit filled boat.dont feel like noones there cuz we will be… the one wbo os alone
I am sorry that you are in so much pain. I am sorry that your parents don’t listen and are so dictatorial.
I am an old fogy but one thing I know is that things change and good grades is a great way to escape a bad situation in your family.
It sounds like your family are not supportive – so you may need to do stuff for yourself – maybe get help or simply concentrate on working to get out of your current situation.
I wish I could help more – I wish I had better answers – but don’t give up – don’t waste the work that you have done already and things will change.
Take it a day at a time – try to communicate through other means (other than using your own body). Life can suck when you are in a situation where other people have power over you and use it unjustly and don’t listen to words.
but it will change – don’t throw it in – not yet.