I’m 18, and some days I do not know why I am alive. I have considered death when I’ve been at my weakest. I’ve wanted to go to the beach drunk & walk out into the water as far as I could go and just let go of everything. Let the waves take me away. I’ve wanted to overdose on my Zoloft. And when I really can’t handle anything I take a lighter to my left arm and burn myself. my arm is scarred up now. I HAD a boyfriend from April to this Sunday. We’ve been on and off for the last three months. I am in love with him, God knows I wish I had never gotten involved. I would worry myself sick about him out drinking and driving and getting high it’s not my problem though, I can’t save him from himself. I’ve endured being called every name under the sun, been told I’ve cheated when I haven’t, I’ve been faithful when he’s cheated on me the whole fucking time. He’s thrown me against the wall told me he was gonna kill me, told me to kill myself, he’s stuck a gun to my chest a knife up to my neck. I clean, cook, take care of him, groom him, give him money when he needs it, I do his laundry and I fuck him whenever where ever. He has it so made and he doesn’t even realize it, he’s taken me for granted time and time again. I told him if he kept pushing one day I would say fuck it and be done that day has finally come. I’m happy…. or so I’m trying to be. Right now I feel like screaming and getting drunk. I miss him so fucking much and it’s only been three days of no contact.
I don’t know you but I’m fucking proud of you! You sound like you’ve given your all to someone and all they have done is taken it for granted. You most definitely deserve to be with someone who will give as much as you give. Stay strong…
Dear God, you sound like me. Same situation, same age, similar idiotic boyfriend. Same single situation, same everything..except, i cut instead of burning. You should leave him…i cant even take my own advice…but if I would i could..And i dont mean on and off, i mean for good…I cant leave mine..but we arent together right now and havent been for 3 weeks…yet I had sex with him yesterday..and then he forgot about me today until about an hour ago…*sigh* You deserve better. And it doesnt get better..ive been with mine for over a year and a half..on and off but never off for this long…be strong…it becomes unbearable before everything becomes okay…I promise. Good luck <3
Thank you guys so much it really means a lot. Alicia you can do it. You just need to set your mind to it.
Thank God you are away from him. Stay away – the pain will lessen and you will start to come alive again. Promise yourself to NEVER, NEVER accept treatment like that again. Safety is one of the greatest needs! Do whatever you have too at the moment to stay safe, and be kind to yourself.
I wish you luck and strength and believe me things will change, but never stay in a relationship thinking they will change – mostly they don’t and never stay with anyone violent.
You are great to have come so far – keep going!