I’m currently at work, my back is killing me, Still, I manage to keep a normal expression on my face, but I’m in pain, my back has been hurting me for the past 3 days and it’s just getting worse, I’ve put icy hot to calm my muscles but still, the pain is there. Last week my hair began to fall out so much, not just what you would expect, like if I run my fingers through, I’d pull out about 20 each time or more, it’s scary, I’m so afraid of brushing it now. Is it because I’m stressed out? Last night my ex called me which I’m am trying to forget, that worked out good because when I heard it ring, I just walked away from my phone, I’m going through such a hard time with my parents constantly fighting blaming each other for stupid things, it’s getting annoying. Everything around me is just pathetic, Like I wanna scream out for everyone to shut the hell up and leave me alone. I’m stressed! my hair is falling out! I don’t know what to do to keep people happy or to make myself happy. Â I don’t even wanna eat, and I haven’t. I stopped taking my thyroid medication because I have to pay rent soon and I don’t have enough money to keep the medication going, so that’s gonna make me have mood swings. This is all getting to me 🙁
I read your post yesterday about the past boyfriends, but because I’m stuck in my own dilemma its hard for me to process what’s right dealing with relationships so I left no comment, but I did leave a interesting second link that might help some people in relationships here.
I was destine to lose my hair little by little, but YES the stress made me lose it faster, I could run my hands through my hair and always have some on my hands, luckily I haven’t had that problem for a long time. unless you have things inside you that was left unsaid its best you walked away from the phone if that would only cause you more stress. I’m almost feel like the stress is causing you stress… if that makes sense.
I’m trying to sleep at nights because I notice my mind most positive when i wake up with the sunrise, by end of the day I start to build up worry and get depress but its better than sleeping all day and staying up all night. Maybe changing your life complete might be best for some people, yet for you the best I could offer without knowing the main cause of your pain is to make a list of things that bother you and do your best to avoid them, its at least a step in having less stress….
hey blue,
Thank you for taking time to read this, it means a lot.
I know most it’s stress, I just hate it, nobody likes dealing with that I’m sure, and I am trying my damn hardest to keep going.