I spend every second of every single day trying to make sure that I am “skinny”. I don’t even want to be like.. anorexic. I just want to have a little skin on my belly. I used to be that, but due to high amounts of stress POOF! There goes my cute little body. I hate looking into the mirror. I wish I could erase what I see. I eat only smart ones, healthy choice, special K, or salad. Literally, this is it. I work out three to four times a week from thirty minutes to an hour. I swear I do not cheat on my “diet”. I even use a app tracker. Yet, everyday I see my balloon of a self in the mirror. I wish I could disappear. I hate that this is the body I have to present to my boyfriend. He says he love it, but everyone knows that no matter how much a guy “loves” your body, if you’re bigger, he isn’t going to complain when you’re half the size. I just need thirty pounds gone. I used to love who I was, but now, I just want to erase the image in the mirror. I want to disappear..
hun, We all struggle with body issues and seems to me like you’re doing great with your diet and working out! keep it up please! change doesn’t happen overnight.
Okay as to your bf, your boyfriend is your partner who I bet adores you, he likes you and accepts you just the way you are, why should you be ashamed of your body if no one is complaining but yourself? The issue is the way you see yourself and that has to change. Keep positive, wanna change? do it for yourself and no one else. You boyfriend will love you regardless.
it takes time! remember that hun.
P.S I bet you’re beautiful just the way you are!
Hi. Are you me or something in another life? I feel the exact same way, exact same story (except for the boyfriend part, I’m alone in the world at the moment). I keep telling myself /just a little skinnier, a little more/ but every time I’m even a little satisfied, maybe if I’ve lost a pound or two, I just gain it back, I don’t even know how. It’s so hard to love your body; it’s so hard to love yourself.
sucks to look in the mirror and not see what you want. Your issue is out of your control – clearly you are doing all you possibly can to have the “ideal body”.
Maybe…… just maybe your goal is not realistic?? IDK. I dont know you – so i can not say for sure. But if your boyfriend says it is ok – isnt that ok? But what if he DIDNT say that? Wouldnt that be more of a bad comment about HIM than it would be about YOU???
Hang in there.
Have you tried exercise?
Why do girls assume they have to be unnaturally thin?
I like my ladies to have curves.
It’s just crazy.
I feel your pain! But i think you’re doing everything to stay in shape. I personally hate my body, even though i’m considered slim. I too look in the mirror and freak out! But my boyfriend say’s i’m gorgeous, i say listen to him and try ignore the bad thing’s you think of yourself. (easier said than done i know 😉
Thanks, all of you. I’m really trying to see myself in a different way. It makes me feel better knowing that I’m not the only one who has these feelings (not that I would wish them on anyone). Maybe one day we’ll all find what we’re looking for!